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Faculty of Law

Master of Law: International and Comparative Law (ICL) - 90 ECTS

Important Information

Admission to the Zurich bar examination with the degree of Master of Law UZH International and Comparative Law or the Double Degree Masteer's program is possible. However, it should be emphasized that due to their focus on international law and comparative law aspects, the study programs are not specifically geared towards an internship at a Zurich district court (auditoriate) and also not towards the subjects examined in occasion of the Zurich bar exam (§10 Abs. 3 PrüfV, OS 215.11). Graduates of these study programs who wish to take the cantonal bar exam must therefore deepen their knowledge of Swiss law on their own responsibility, which involves an additional learning effort.
If you have any questions, please contact the Student Center via contact form.

ECTS Credits

The Master of Law UZH International and Comparative Law comprises 90 ECTS Credits.



Admission Requirements

General Informationon admission to the Master of Law UZH

The Student Administration Office or the Admissions Office is responsible for admission to the University of Zurich.

Please refer to the general admission requirements of the University of Zurich.

Language requirements

For language requirements, see here.

General information on admission to the Faculty of Law UZH

Two Master study programs are offered at the Faculty of Law of the University of Zurich (RWF UZH): the Master of Law UZH Rechtswissenschaft (MLaw UZH Rechtswissenschaft) and the Master of Law UZH International and Comparative Law (MLaw UZH International and Comparative Law).

Special admission requirements apply to the Double Degree Master's Programs. All information can be found on the Double Degree page.

For the admission to the Joint Degree Master Program with the University of Lausanne, the same admission requirements apply as for the MLaw UZH Rechtswissenschaft. All information about this program can be found on the Joint Degree page.

Bachelor of Law of Faculty of Law UZH

Graduates with a Bachelor of Law degree from RWF UZH are admitted to the Master's Programs at RWF UZH without any conditions or requirements.

Bachelor of Law from a Swiss university

Graduates with a Bachelor of Law degree from a Swiss university are admitted to the Master's Programs at RWF UZH without any conditions or requirements.

Bachelor of Law from the UniDistance Suisse

Graduates of a Bachelor of Law from the Distance Learning University of Brig are admitted to the MLaw Rechtswissenschaft with conditions amounting to 6 ECTS credits. The following requirements must be fulfilled by students with a Bachelor of Law from the UniDistance Suisse:

Modul name ECTS Credits
Case study at advanced level in private law 3 ECTS Credits
Case study at advanced level in public law/criminal law 3 ECTS Credits

Admission to the MLaw UZH International and Comparative Law is without conditions and requirements.

Bachelor in Law and Economics of the University of St. Gallen

Graduates of a Bachelor in Law and Economics of the University of St. Gallen are admitted as follows:

1. Graduates of BLE19 are admitted to the MLaw UZH Rechtswissenschaft with conditions amounting to 18 ECTS credits:

Modul name ECTS Credits
Case study at advanced level in private law   3 ECTS Credits
Private International Law    6 ECTS Credits
Public International Law/European Law

9 ECTS Credits

2. Graduates of BLE21 who have also completed the additional program of the University of St. Gallen "Law for Law & Economics" are admitted to the MLaw UZH Law without any conditions or requirements.

3. Graduates of BLE21 who have not completed the additional program of the University of St. Gallen "Law for Law & Economics" are admitted to the MLaw UZH Law with conditions amounting to 36 ECTS credits:

Modul name ECTS Credits
History of Law (BLaw)  6 ECTS Credits
Case study at advanced level in private law 3 ECTS Credits
International Law/European Law 9 ECTS Credits
Public Law I   18 ECTS Credits

Admission to the MLaw UZH International and Comparative Law is without conditions or requirements for all three groups of graduates.

Foreign Bachelor of Law

Graduates of a foreign Bachelor of Law or an equivalent degree program in law at a university are admitted to the MLaw UZH Law, but may be required to complete a maximum of 60 ECTS credits. An intra-faculty admission committee decides on the basis of a "sur dossier" examination whether and which requirements are to be imposed.

Admission to the MLaw UZH International and Comparative Law is without conditions and requirements.

Non-law Bachelor

Graduates with a Bachelor's degree in another field of study are not admitted to the Master's Programs. In the case of admission to the Bachelor of Law, achievements may be recognized. All information is found on the recognition of foreign achievements page.

Bachelor in Business Law from the Zurich University of Applied Sciences

Students who have acquired a Bachelor in Business Law at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) will join the Bachelor’s degree program of the Faculty of Law at the University of Zurich. They cannot join the Master’s degree program directly. Assessments from the completed Bachelor in Business Law at the ZHAW may be credited to the Bachelor of Law UZH up to a maximum of 60 ECTS credits.

Students who have not yet completed the Bachelor in Business Law at the ZHAW will only be admitted to the Bachelor of Law UZH, provided they fulfill the general admission requirements of UZH. If you have any questions regarding admission, please contact the Student Administration Office at UZH.

Bachelor of Science Applied Law of the ZHAW

Students who have completed the Bachelor of Science in Applied Law at the ZHAW are not admitted to the Master's degree programs. In the case of admission to the Bachelor of Law, credits earned may be recognized. All information can be found under Recognition of prior studies.

Bachelor of Science FH in Business Law of the KLS

Students who have completed the Bachelor of Science FH in Business Law at Kalaidos Law School are not admitted to the Master's degree programs. In the event of admission to the Bachelor of Law, any credits earned may be recognize. All information can be found under Recognition of prior studies.

Bachelor of Arts FH in Law of the KLS

Students who have completed the Bachelor of Arts FH in Law at Kalaidos Law School are not admitted to the Master's degree programs. In the event of admission to the Bachelor of Law, any work completed may be recognized. All information can be found under Recognition of prior studies.

General Description

The Master of Law UZH International and Comparative Law serves to deepen students' knowledge in various areas of international and comparative law. It offers students the opportunity to continue their studies in English and to supplement their legal skills with a view to an international working environment.

The study program International and Comparative Law consists of two variations. Students with a Bachelor of Law degree from a Swiss university complete core elective modules worth 48 ECTS credits, elective law modules worth 30 ECTS credits as well as the compulsory module Master's thesis worth 12 ECTS credits. Students with a Bachelor of Law degree from a foreign university, on the other hand, complete the additional compulsory module „Introduction to Swiss Law“, subsequently reducing the scope of the elective law modules to 24 ECTS credits.
Compulsory modules are mandatory for all students. Core elective modules are selected from a predefined list. Elective law modules are selected from the entire range of English-language modules offered at Master‘s level at RWF UZH.

Study Program

Overview of the study program International and Comparative Law

Module ECTS Module
Completion cycle Performance record and
evaluation type
Introduction to Swiss Law* 6 Compulsory

fall semester

(one-semester module)

by announcement

Master's Thesis



no fixed semester allocation

written paper, graded

Foundations of Law

Core Elective Modules


Core Elective by announcement by announcement

International Law

Core Elective Modules

24 Core Elective by announcement by announcement

Comparative Law

Core Elective Modules

18 Core Elective by announcement by announcement
Elective Modules
(entire Faculty of Law module offer at Master's level in English)


various by announcement




*For students with a Bachelor of Law degree from a Swiss university the module Introduction to Swiss Law is considered fulfilled upon commencement of the study program. Instead, they complete another (English-language) module of the Faculty of Law at Master's level according to choice in the amount of 6 ECTS credits.  

Repeat Examinations

The compulsory modules can be repeated twice.

There is a combined maximum limit of 13 failed attempts for the core elective modules and the elective modules. Until the maximum number of failed attempts is reached, the individual core elective and elective modules can be repeated as often as students wish, provided that the modules are offered again, and can be substituted within the respective pool. Failed attempts at modules not offered by the Faculty of Law are not included in the maximum number of failed attempts.


Master of Law UZH

Weiterführende Informationen


Faculty of Law
Dean of Studies Office
Rämistrasse 74/4
8001 Zurich

Contact Doctorate

Completion process of the doctorate
Registration for Conferral of a Doctoral Degree
Request for the appointment of a second reviewer and reviews