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Faculty of Law

Double Degree - Outgoings

Admission Criteria

Prerequisite for the allocation of a study place is the fulfillment of the formal and academic admission requirements for the Master of Law UZH (RVO21) at the Faculty of Law (RWF).

According to § 3 para. 2 StudO DD RWF, admission to a Double Degree Master's program is determined by suitability. The following criteria are decisive for the selection process (§ 3 para. 3 StudO DD RWF):

  • Academic achievements, 
  • Knowledge of the language of instruction,
  • specific study motivation,
  • additional qualifications relevant to studies and
  • special admission requirements of the partner faculties

Application, Admission and Allocation of Study Places (Students who have completed their Bachelor's degree at RWF UZH and are already enrolled)

Students who have completed their Bachelor's Degree at RWF UZH and are already matriculated must complete the following steps:

  1. Application for a change of degree program to Master of Law UZH (RVO21), mono-study program Rechtswissenschaft or International and Comparative Law for the fall semester via the student portal.
    Changing Degree and/or Study Program
  2. Examination of the formal and academic admission requirements and notification in the student portal.
  3. After the confirmed change of degree program, the application for a place in the Double Degree Master's program can be submitted online to the RWF starting on the 1st of September 2025.
    Online Application portal

    Application period: September 1, 2025, to September 14, 2025 (11:59 PM)
    Applications are only possible for the fall semester.
    You can find detailed information on the application requirements and procedure in the Double Degree Outgoings information brochure (PDF, 439 KB).
    Apply now
  4. Allocation of a study place in the Double Degree Master's program with one of the prioritised partner universities or rejection of the application by mid-October by the RWF.
  5. Application for a change of degree program for the spring semester with the allocation of the study place via the student portal.
    Failure to apply for a change of degree program may result in the loss of the study place in the Double Degree Master's program.Changing Degree and/or Study Program

Applicants who cannot be allocated a study place at a partner faculty of the Double Degree Master’s programs remain matriculated in the respective Master of Law UZH for at least one semester and can, if desired, request withdrawal at the end of the autumn semester. The application is made via the Student Portal and is processed by the Student Administration Office.

Withdrawing from University

Application, Admission, and Allocation of Study Places (Students who have not completed their Bachelor's degree at the RWF UZH)

For students who are not completing their Bachelor's Degree at RWF UZH and who are not yet matriculated, the following application and admission process applies:

  1. Application for the Master of Law UZH (RVO21), mono-study program Rechtswissenschaft or International and Comparative Law for the fall semester via the application portal. Admission to the Master’s Program
  2. Examination of the formal and academic admission requirements, notification in the application portal.
  3. After the confirmed change of degree program, the application for a place in the Double Degree Master's program can be submitted online to the RWF starting on the the 1st of September 2025.
    Online Application portal
    Application period: September 1, 2025, to September 14, 2025 (11:59 PM).
    Applications are only possible for the fall semester.
    You can find detailed information on the application requirements and procedure in the Double Degree Outgoings information brochure.
    apply now
  4. Allocation of a study place in the Double Degree Master's program with one of the prioritised partner universities or rejection of the application by mid-October by the RWF.
  5. Application for a change of degree program for the spring semester with the allocation of the study place included as an attachment via the student portal.
    Failure to apply for a change of degree program may result in the loss of the study place in the Double Degree Master's program.Changing Degree and/or Study Program

Applicants who cannot be allocated a study place at a partner faculty of the Double Degree Master’s programs remain matriculated in the respective Master of Law UZH for at least one semester and can, if desired, request withdrawal at the end of the fall semester. The application is made via the Student Portal and is processed by the Student Administration Office.

Withdrawing from University

Study Guides

A study guide is an information brochure created by students for students and is intended to give prospective Double Degree Master's Program students the opportunity to benefit from former students’ experiences, knowledge, and tips. However, there is no guarantee that its contents are correct or complete.

Double Degree students are required to upload a Study Guide. You can find the form further down.

Study Guides: Individual Reports 2022

The Dickson Poon School of Law, King's College London

Report 1 (PDF, 123 KB)
Report 2 (PDF, 120 KB)
Report 3 (PDF, 132 KB)
Report 4 (PDF, 128 KB)

Faculty of Law, Maastricht University

Report 1 (PDF, 130 KB)
Report 2 (PDF, 133 KB)
Report 3 (PDF, 121 KB)

Faculty of Law, University of Amsterdam

Report 1 (PDF, 120 KB)
Report 2 (PDF, 130 KB)
Report 3 (PDF, 149 KB)
Report 4 (PDF, 155 KB)

Faculty of Law, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Report 1 (PDF, 121 KB)
Report 2 (PDF, 149 KB)
Report 3 (PDF, 132 KB)
Report 4 (PDF, 126 KB)

Faculté de Droit, Économie, Gestion et Sciences Politiques et Sociales, Université de Strasbourg

There are no actual individual reports for this partner faculty.

Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong

There are no actual individual reports for this partner faculty.

Graduate School of Law, Doshisha University

Report 1 (PDF, 139 KB)

Berkeley Law, University of California

Report 1 (PDF, 119 KB)
Report 2 (PDF, 128 KB)
Report 3 (PDF, 123 KB)
Report 4 (PDF, 125 KB)

Study Guides Submission Form

The Study Guide is an information brochure created by students for students and is intended to give prospective double degree students the opportunity to benefit from former students’ experiences, knowledge, and tips.

Please note:
- the Study Guide should be written in the language of instruction of the partner faculty;
- your name, matriculation number and E-Mail will not be published;
- some fields are for the Double Degree coordination office of the University of Zurich, these fields are not mandatory and will not be published;
- fill out all fields before submitting the form, otherwise your entries will be lost.

We look forward to your constructive input!

Submission Form

Weiterführende Informationen


Faculty of Law
Office of the Vice Dean of Studies
Rämistrasse 74/4
8001 Zurich

Contact Doctorate

Completion process of the doctorate
Registration for Conferral of a Doctoral Degree
Request for the appointment of a second reviewer and reviews