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Members of the Faculty of Law are continuously researching and publishing on the topic of sustainability. Here you will find an overview of current and upcoming publications, as well as projects and initiatives that are taking place. This list is updated on an ongoing basis.
The online platform for sports law commentaries brings together several commentary projects on various aspects of sports law. In 2021, the online platform "Wassersportkommentar" established the cornerstones of this comprehensive commentary work. The "Bergsportkommentar" project was then launched at the beginning of 2022, and the "Sportverbandskommentar" was added in 2023.
The online platform is aimed at athletes and sports associations, legal representatives, as well as courts and cantonal traffic or environmental offices. The aim of the sports law commentaries is to make legal expertise on sports law freely available. Open access promotes the exchange of knowledge and offers authors a higher visibility of scientific results. With Weblaw editions, a "dynamic" online commentary is to be created, which is equivalent to a publication platform: On the one hand, new authors should be able to join at any time with contributions on sports law issues that have not yet been dealt with. On the other hand, in case of changes in law or practice, authors should be able to react immediately and publish the new version of their contribution without having to wait for the publication of a consolidated second edition. It is not intended to publish a printed version; the project wants to operate exclusively in the digital space.
The contributions can be written in German, French, Italian or English. Translation software will be used to accommodate the language diversity of the Swiss authorship and readership. The project was made possible in part by a financial contribution from the Faculty of Law at the University of Zurich.
As part of a collaboration between individuals at different institutions, universities and in practice, the Research Network for Sustainable Finance (SUSFIN) was launched on December 20, 2019 by Prof. Kern Alexander and Dr. iur. Xenia Karametaxas. The network is dedicated to expanding knowledge and research on sustainable finance. The network provides a platform for a wide range of academics and practitioners from different institutions, nations, fields, private and public sectors, and regulatory and governing bodies to work towards a more sustainable future for the financial sector. For more information on the network, click here.