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Faculty of Law

Faculty Assembly

The Faculty Assembly is the most important self-governing body of the faculty. It consists of all full and associate professors, the assistant professors and the SNSF assistant professors. The members of the Faculty Assembly also include the delegates of the representative bodies, i.e. privatdozents/adjunct professors, teaching and research assistants, students as well as administrative and technical staff.

The Faculty Assembly’s duties include making decisions in habilitation proceedings, creating new chairs, issuing faculty regulations, selecting members of the faculty council and establishing faculty commissions.

Professorial Staff

University Body Representatives of Advanced Researchers and Instructors

(formerly representation of private lecturers, adjunct professors)

Prof. em. Dr.  Alexander Brunner

Dr. Sven Zimmerlin


University Body Representatives of Junior Academics

(formerly representation of assistants)
MLaw Dominik Kawa
Assistant at the Chair of Prof. Dr. Johannes Liebrecht
Dr. Pascal Meier
Senior Assistent in Subject Group Basic

MLaw Jonathan Zeller

Postgraduate at the Chair of Prof. Dr. Elisabetta Fiocchi

Representatives of the Student Body

Representatives of the Administrative and Technical Staff

lic. iur. Antonella Serra Garbelotto

Deputy Head of the Student Center

Basil Leutert
Infrastructur & Logistic

Katharina Tschopp Tarquini, lic. trad.

Chair of Prof. Dr. Ruth Arnet / Prof. Dr. Peter Picht

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University of Zurich
Faculty of Law
Rämistrasse 74
CH-8001 Zurich

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