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Faculty of Law

Booking Modules

In principle, module booking is open to all students who habe a valid semester enrollment.
Without a module booking, credits cannot be earned and ECTS credits cannot be obtained. Module booking is carried out in the student portal. Module bookings and cancellations can only be made within the specified deadlines.

There are now three different module types: Booking modules, Request modules and Application modules. More information on this and on the module booking procedure can be found on the following website.

One-Semester Modules

Booking is done according to the general module booking information

Module booking includes both exam registration and selection of required courses, if selection is required.

Booking of written papers

Information on booking written work (Master's theses) can be found on the website for written work.

Module Cancellation

Modules can be cancelled during the cancellation period in the "My Modules" app.

Subsequent cancellation requests can be made via the app "My requests" if compelling, unforeseeable and unavoidable reasons are asserted.

After Booking

Check your bookings again shortly before the module booking deadline. You are responsible for the completeness and correctness of your module bookings. Only your module bookings and cancellations in the student portal are binding. We strongly recommend that you make a print screen of your bookings and cancellations in the "My modules" app every semester and keep it carefully. This will serve as proof in the event of any discrepancies.

Weiterführende Informationen


Faculty of Law
Dean of Studies Office
Rämistrasse 74/4
8001 Zurich

Contact Doctorate

Completion process of the doctorate
Registration for Conferral of a Doctoral Degree
Request for the appointment of a second reviewer and reviews