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Faculty of Law

Subject Groups and Chairs

The professorial staff of the Faculty of Law is divided into five subject groups. These coordinate the tasks they are assigned in teaching and studies, research, academic career development, and continuing education, if the chairs are not responsible for these as part of their academic autonomy.

Subject Group Chairpersons

Each subject group has a chairperson who is elected by the subject group.

As of Spring 2025

Subject Group

Chairperson Deputy
Basic Subjects Prof. Dr. iur.
Matthias Mahlmann
Prof. Dr. iur.
Ulrike Babusiaux
Civil Law and Civil Procedure Law Prof. Dr. iur.
Tanja Domej
Prof. Dr. iur.
Margot Michel
Trade and Business Law Prof. Dr. iur.
Peter Georg Picht
Criminal Law Prof. Dr. iur.
Marc Thommen
Prof. Dr. iur.
Sarah Summers
Constitutional, Administrative, and International Law Prof. Dr. iur.
Oliver Diggelmann
Prof. Dr. iur.
Helen Keller


Basic Subjects

The Basic Subjects subject group combines historical, legal philosophy, legal theory, and legal sociology questions in research and teaching to give students a perspective of these issues. It investigates and teaches the interaction of law and its social, economic, political, and cultural context. It therefore also promotes dialogue between the different dogmatic subject-related discussions from the perspective of the basic principles that are common to all disciplines. Various members of the subject group also represent the subjects civil law, public law, media law as well as church and state-church law in research and teaching.

Subject Group Members (as of Spring 2025)

Prof. Dr. José Luis Alonso
Prof. Dr. Tilmann Altwicker
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Babusiaux
Prof. Dr. Johannes Liebrecht
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ernst
Prof. Dr. Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina
Prof. Dr. Christoph Beat Graber
Prof. Dr. Matthias Mahlmann
Prof. Dr. Andreas Thier

Trade and Business Law

The subject group covers trade and business law in its entirety, particularly trade and company law, financial market law, competition and antitrust law, the law of intellectual property, internet and information law, and international business law. Members of the subject group pursue their research on an interdisciplinary basis both in Switzerland and abroad. The international focus of this subject group is apparent from the collaboration with foreign institutions, the results of its research published in leading national and international specialist journals, and presentations at international conferences.

Subject Group Members (as of Spring 2025)

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander
Prof. Dr. Aline Darbellay
Prof. Dr. Marco Dell'Erba
Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinemann
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kellerhals
Prof. Dr. Adrian Künzler
Prof. Dr. Julia Nicolussi
Prof. Dr. Peter Picht
Prof. Dr. Rolf Sethe
Prof. Dr. Florent Thouvenin
Prof. Dr. Hans-Ueli Vogt

Criminal Law

Members of this subject group carry out extensive research into the current key issues in criminal law. Particular consideration is given to the international environment. In teaching, traditional courses are supplemented by modern communication technologies. eLearning and Internet revision courses contribute to efficient study.

Subject Group Members (as of Spring 2025)

Prof. Dr. Felix Bommer
Prof. Dr. Gian Ege
Prof. Dr. Gunhild Godenzi
Prof. Dr. Daniel Jositsch
Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger
Prof. Dr. Sarah Summers
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Tag
Prof. Dr. Marc Thommen
Prof. Dr. Nadine Zurkinden

Constitutional, Administrative, and International Law

This subject group covers constitutional and administrative law, including tax law and public procedural law, as well as public international law and European law, with a wide range of specializations. Accordingly, members of the subject group carry out research and teach – often in collaboration with institutions abroad – on topics such as the constitutional state, democracy, human rights, social security, comparative constitutional studies, public business law, environmental law, or european institutions. As part of the faculty’s basic subjects, the subject group offers modules in the theory of legislation, constitutional history, constitutional theory, and political philosophy.

Subject Group Members (as of Spring 2025)

Prof. Dr. Giovanni Biaggini
Prof. Dr. Oliver Diggelmann
Prof. Dr. Thomas Gächter
Prof. Dr. Andreas Glaser
Prof. Dr. Alain Griffel
Prof. Dr. Dr. Yoan Hermstrüwer
Prof. Dr. Christine Kaufmann
Prof. Dr. Helen Keller
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kley
Prof. Dr. Lorenz Langer
Prof. Dr. René Matteotti
Prof. Dr. Daniel Moeckli
Prof. Dr. Matthias Oesch
Prof. Dr. Johannes Reich
Prof. Dr. Madeleine Simonek
Prof. Dr. Felix Uhlmann
Prof. Dr. Kerstin N. Vokinger

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