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Faculty of Law Chair Mahlmann

Prof. Dr. iur. Matthias Mahlmann

Treichlerstrasse 10, CH-8032 Zürich

Office DOL G 06 (Prof. Mahlmann)
Offices DOL G 07/08 (Assistants) 
site plan

Office hours: Please book an appointment via
Telephone: +41 (0)44 634 15 69/84/86

During the semester we can be contacted via telephone from Mon - Fri, 10-12 a.m.

Recent Contributions and Publications

Weiterführende Informationen

Seminar Announcement Fall 2025: Democracy in danger? The Legal and Cultural Foundations of a Form of Government in Crisis

Information on our Seminar in the Fall Semester 2025 can now be found on our website: Seminars

Book Review: Mind and Rights

Book Review by Mónica Mazariegos Rodas of Mind and Rights – The History, Ethics, Law and Psychology of Human Rights, in Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht / Heidelberg Journal of International Law (ZaöRV 84 (2024),
p. 1013-1017).

Link to Book Review

New book: Mind and Rights

The book Mind and Rights – The History, Ethics, Law and Psychology of Human Rights is now available in stores as well as open access.

Debating Mind and Rights:

University of Baltimore, School of Law, 03/04/2025

Justice, Human Rights, and the New Charisma of Anti-democratic Ideologies,  02/04/2025, Cardozo Law Institute in Holocaust and Human Rights, New York

Book Symposium Mind and Rights (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 19/12/2024)

Zoom Recording

Vienna Lectures on Legal Philosophy, University of Vienna, 06/11/2024

Workshop: Debating Mind and Rights, 06 and 07/06/2024

Human knowledge and human rights – the political epistemology of justice and dignity, University of Sao Paulo, 15/05/2024

Mind and Rights, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Belo Horizonte, 13/05/2024

The justice of rights and the rise of anti-egalitarian ideologies, Conference of the Brazilian section of the IVR (University of Sao Paulo, Campus in Ribeirão Preto), 10/05/2024

The Arduous Pursuit of Dignity for All: Preserving Democracy and Human Rights in a World in Crisis, 10/04/2024, National Law School of India, Bangalore The talk may be viewed here

Hellenic Association of Philosophy of Law, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 25/01/2024

The Minerva Center for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 20/12/2023

Istanbul Bilgi University, Faculty of Law 14/12/2023

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at Seventy-Five, The National Interest 19/11/2023

UCL Institute for Human Rights 31/10/2023

Lucerne 26/09/2023

Berlin Social Science Center 21/06/2023

Seoul 09/06/2023

Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford 08/02/2022 The talk may be viewed here

Justice, Human Rights, and the New Charisma of Anti-democratic Ideologies, 02/04/2025, Cardozo Law Institute in Holocaust and Human Rights, New York

Interview from ZEIT No. 06/2025 on the topic of climate change and law

Publication: «War – The Disenchantment of Law?», in: Philosophy of Law and General Theory of Law (1/2023)

New publication: Unmass und Gerechtigkeit – zur Tragödie des individuellen Gewissens in «Michael Kohlhaas», in: Der Mensch als Massstab des Rechts – Liber amicorum for Regina Kiener

The book is available open access

Seminar FS 25: Bedrohte Zukunft der Demokratie? Würde und Autonomie im Verfassungsrecht Indiens und der Schweiz / Twilight of Democracy? Dignity and Autonomy in the constitutions of India and Switzerland

Informationen zum Seminar im FS 25 finden Sie ab sofort auf unserer Website: Seminare

Information on our Seminar in the Spring Semester 2025 can now be found on our website: Seminars

Cover Konkrete Gerechtigkeit

New edition of Konkrete Gerechtigkeit

The new and revised 7th edition (2024) of Konkrete Gerechtigkeit – Eine Einführung in Recht und Rechtswissenschaft der Gegenwart is now available at Nomos. 

Cover Rechtsphilosophie und Rechtstheorie

New edition of Rechtsphilosophie und Rechtstheorie

The new and revised 8th edition of Rechtsphilosophie und Rechtstheorie (2024) is now available at Nomos. 

Workshop: Debating Mind and Rights

Human knowledge and human rights – the political epistemology of justice and dignity, University of Sao Paulo, 15/05/2024

Book Symposium Mind and Rights (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 19/12/2024)

More about Book Symposium Mind and Rights (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 19/12/2024)

Mind and Rights, 13/05/2024, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Belo Horizonte

The Arduous Pursuit of Dignity for All: Preserving Democracy and Human Rights in a World in Crisis, 10.04.2024, National Law School of India, Bangalore

More about The Arduous Pursuit of Dignity for All: Preserving Democracy and Human Rights in a World in Crisis, 10.04.2024, National Law School of India, Bangalore

Human rights: Ideology, illusion, source of hope?

There is no reason whatsoever that can be derived from the theories of evolution and human psychology that undermines the case for human rights. Link to article


Legal Opinion

Parameters of the Legal Regulation of Genome Editing in Switzerland and Europe: 

Download document (German)

Biotechnology: Legal expert briefs


Statement of the IVR on the Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine

The International Association of Legal and Social Philosophy (IVR) offered a statement on 6 March 2022 on the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The statement can be read here.

Ringvorlesung Dürrenmatt

"Bärlachs Wette – Schuld, Strafe und Gerechtigkeit bei Dürrenmatt" (27.05.2021) – lecture recording online

The lecture was part of the interdisciplinary lecture series: Der Mensch nach der Tragödie – hundert Jahre Friedrich Dürrenmatt at the University of Zurich. 



«Begnadigung bedeutet keine Urteilskorrektur»

Prof. Matthias Mahlmann on presidential pardons in the radio show Echo der Zeit on SRF (Swiss Radio and Television), 20.01.2021

UZH Magazine Kreons Zwiespalt

Law and literature in the current edition of UZH Magazine

More about Law and literature in the current edition of UZH Magazine

Prof. Matthias Mahlmann and Lukas Bärfuss in conversation with UZH Magazine on the complex relationship of law and literature (in German).  

Cover Leibniz

New book Rechts- und Staatsphilosophie bei G. W. Leibniz

A new volume on Leibniz' philosophy of law and state, Rechts- und Staatsphilosophie bei G. W. Leibniz, ed. by Tilmann Altwicker, Francis Cheneval and Matthias Mahlmann, is released by Mohr Siebeck.