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Faculty of Law

Doctoral Colloquia

You have performed academic work in connection with your doctoral studies (coursework completed at an external university, performance in the context of a scientific conference or contribution towards a specialist publication, etc.) and would like to clarify whether this work can be recognized as a doctoral colloquium in the general doctorate at the Faculty of Law of the University of Zurich (RWF UZH) or would like to have this work recognized.

Your supervisor will decide whether these academic achievements may be recognized as a doctoral colloquium.


The following four steps are necessary for the recognition of an academic achievement as a doctoral colloquium:

  1. Clarify with your supervisor whether the external academic achievements may be recognized as a doctoral colloquium.
  2. The supervisor confirms the recognition on the "Recognition form Doctorate", which is published on the forms page (section “Recognition and Transfer of Credit”).
  3. Submit the completed form to the Student Center via contact form (section "Doctorate/PhD") for recognition.
  4. After the academic achievements have been recognized as a doctoral colloquium, you will receive a notification from the Student Center. The recognized achievement can then be viewed in the student portal or in the UZH now app.


Submit the form by the following deadlines:

  • for spring semester: 30 June
  • for fall semester: 31 December
  • Weiterführende Informationen


    Faculty of Law
    Dean of Studies Office
    Rämistrasse 74/4
    8001 Zurich

    Contact Doctorate

    Completion process of the doctorate
    Registration for Conferral of a Doctoral Degree
    Request for the appointment of a second reviewer and reviews