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Faculty of Law

Appeals procedure

Persuant to § 32 para. 1 of the Framework Ordinance on the Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programs at the Faculty of Law of the University of Zurich (RVO RWF), dated 21 September 2020, at the end of every semester, all passed and failed modules are registered in a transcript of records.

According to § 32 para. 1 RVO RWF the transcript of records is subject to appeal to the Faculty Council to the extent of the in the last semester newly entered academic achievements (§ 58 para. 1 RVO RWF). The 30-day appeal period begins with the binding delivery of the transcript of records. At the same point in time, the exams will be made available for download. Likewise, the matters, sample solutions, grading scales and statistics will also be accessible.

The appeal must be submitted in writing, signed, and sent as a PDF document by e-mail to the Legal Office of the Dean.

In accordance with § 46 para. 4 UniG, the evaluation of academic achievement will only be reviewed for legal violations and breach of process regulations. Appeals relating to inadequacy of the evaluation are excluded. The appeal must include a clear request as well as a precise reason (e.g. for which comments the additional points are being requested and why). It is not sufficient to refer to marked passages in the specimen answer and/or in the examination paper and ask that these be reviewed once more. An overall re-mark by the professorial chair is not possible. Please make sure the appeal is presented clearly.

More detailed information about the appeals procedure can be found at the following link.

 Notes on the appeal process (PDF, 114 KB)

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Faculty of Law
Dean of Studies Office
Rämistrasse 74/4
8001 Zurich

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