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Faculty of Law Chair Loacker

Questions for us and our lecturers

Questions during the semester


1. Time frame

You can only ask questions about our courses for the current semester in which the course is offered. This means that you cannot ask questions about the autumn semester until the spring semester and vice versa.

Questions about lectures in the spring semester will therefore be answered by the end of May; those about the autumn semester by the end of December of the respective year.

In addition to capacity reasons, this restriction is mainly due to the equal treatment of your colleagues in terms of information, especially in phases immediately before examinations, etc.

2. Prioritise on-site questions

Wherever possible, take advantage of the opportunity to ask our lecturers questions on site - be it during the course, during breaks or after the course. This is what courses at a face-to-face university are designed for and what we are there for.

On the other hand, we cannot guarantee that questions will be answered by email, telephone or in individual meetings, etc. The (limited) resources available to us in combination with the large number of students do not allow for this.

3. Content requirements for answering questions

We must ask for your understanding that at a mass university we do not have the prerequisites to answer even those questions that would be easily clarified with a glance at any available information resource (textbook, legal commentary, etc.). Therefore, when making your enquiry, please name at least one reference with a specific page number or margin number with which you were unable to answer your question. This will help you and us to ensure that our mutual time is invested in the best possible way.

4. Permissable Aids?

Questions about aids in the examination (in particular which markings are permitted) must be addressed to the examination supervisor. The chair is not responsible for this.

5. Study-related questions?

Please only use this form from our Student Advisory Service. We cannot provide any information in this regard.

6. Legal advice required?

General legal advice cannot be provided without exception due to limited resources. Please contact the Zurich District Court and/or the Zurich Bar Association, which offer free initial legal advice.