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Faculty of Law Chair Tag

Intramural Medicine (2000-2017)


The health care at the penal system is an integral part of the inprisonement. But in comparison with the general practice it has a different character. This leads to a contradicting tension between the meical treatment conduct and juristic restrictions of the freedom of inmates. Besides this not compatible mutifunctions, exists also a plurality of medical functions. This plurality results o one hand from the maxim, which stipulates that the intramural medicine is to optimate in her width an specialization by means of using the expensive and risky extramural medical services. On the other hand it results from the fact, that imprisonemet leads to a compression of drug addicts and alcoholics, as well as it leads to a higher rate of psychological disturbed, suicidal or autoaggressive inmates in comparison to the average population. Furthermore there's a higher amount of AIDS sick persons, HIV infected and carriers of the tuberculosis or hepatitis virus among the group of inmates. All this differing groups, not to mention the necessity of a specific healthcare of long-term inmates and women as well as freigners, lead to the beforementiones plurality of treatment groups. The project "intramural medicine", which is sponsored by the SNF, has as the designated target the authoring of a report about the medical care intra muros.

Switzerland / International comparison

At the same time exists a project, which refurbishes the medical health care in swiss inprisonement.

"Die ärztliche Schweigepflicht des Vollzugsmediziners im schweizerischen Strafvollzug aus strafrechtlicher Sicht", Mausbach, Schulthess 2010. Link

Interview mit Frau Prof. Tag zum Thema: "Der Strafvollzug ist eine Blackbox" (Forschungsmagazin Horizonte 2009)Link

Intramurale Medizin im internationalen Vergleich, Gesundheitsfürsorge zwischen Heilauftrag und Strafvollzug im Schweizerischen und internationalen Diskurs, Tag, Brigitte; Hillenkamp, Thomas (Hrsg.), Springer 2008 Link