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Faculty of Law Lehrstuhl Picht

Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht II (MLaw)

General information

  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinemann
  • Prof. Dr. Peter Georg Picht
  • Prof. Dr. Florent Thouvenin

The lecture “Commercial and Business Law II” covers Swiss competition law in a broader sense, namely antitrust law (Cartel Act and Prohibition of Product Diversification Act), the law against unfair competition (UWG) and the principles of intellectual property law. The focus is not only on substantive law, but also on its practical application through administrative, civil and criminal proceedings. In view of the fundamental importance of the principle of competition for a market economy system, the economic fundamentals, the constitutional references and the international framework are also taken into account.

The exact dates can be found in the course catalogue: Dates

The lecture is held as a face-to-face event. The events are recorded and made available as a podcast.

The lecture will take place at the times indicated in the course catalogue. The event is designed as a lecture, but it also relies on interaction with students. By participating in the event, you agree that your comments will be recorded and made available to other participants as a podcast. If you have any organizational questions or concerns regarding Prof. Picht's lectures, please contact Questions about the content of Prof. Picht's lectures and the exam will only be answered in the lecture.

Supplementary support offer

From 06.11.24, the voluntary supplementary support offer will take place. Assistants will discuss sample cases related to the lecture material with you. This serves as exam preparation. You can find specific information and the documents here.

Teaching materials

Lecture slides; recommended reading at the beginning of the course

Lecture materials and podcasts

The lecture materials and podcasts will be made available in the password-protected area. Access is via SWITCH edu-ID and the corresponding password: General information about SWITCH edu-ID from UZH IT

UZH students can access the recorded lectures until the end of the academic year.

Please note the following information about the podcasts:

  • It may happen that individual lectures intended for podcasting cannot be recorded, or cannot be recorded without interference, due to technical faults, for example, and therefore cannot be provided, or only partially. Furthermore, constant availability of the podcasts cannot be guaranteed for technical reasons, among others. Students cannot therefore rely on an event being available to them as a podcast in every case. Students who choose not to attend the events and take their own notes do so at their own risk.
  • The rights to the podcasts belong to the lecturers. They can decide how students may use the recordings. Any further distribution, in whatever form, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited and may result in disciplinary and/or civil and/or criminal proceedings.

Weiterführende Informationen

Complementary support offers

The lecture is accompanied by complementary support offers, which are held by assistants in the second half of the semester. In these offers, the material presented in the lecture is illustrated using small example cases and students can ask questions about the lecture material. The offers serve to prepare for the exam in commercial and business law II. No new material is taught.

to the complementary support offers in HS 2024

Password-protected area

Access to lecture material / podcasts via SWITCH edu-ID and password

Here you will find access to the e-learning module for the intellectual property law part of the lecture.