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Faculty of Law Lehrstuhl Summers


Seminar "Obstacles to Fairness in Criminal Proceedings"

Procedural fairness, as standardised in Art. 6 ECHR, for example, is recognised in Europe as a necessary means of legitimising criminal proceedings. However, it is difficult to reach a consensus on how far and in which areas the fairness requirement extends. Particularly in an international environment, the question arises as to what obstacles to procedural fairness exist and how these can be overcome. A seminar on this topic was held in Zurich and Nottingham under the direction of Prof. John Jackson and Prof. Sarah Summers. Renowned experts took part in the seminar and produced an anthology of the same name.

Seminar at the University of Zurich on the 4th and 5th of September 2014

For the first part of the seminar, the experts prepared discussion papers on the specific topics. These were commented on by other experts in workshops. This was followed by a discussion. The seminar part in Zurich was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation as an SNF International Exploratory Workshop.

Programme Seminar Zurich (PDF, 83 KB)

Swiss National Science Foundation

Seminar at the Centre for Criminal Justice Research of the University of Nottingham on the 1st and 2nd of September 2016

For the seminar part in Nottingham, the experts took up the results from the Zurich workshops, revised their discussion papers and presented the results. The seminar in Nottingham was supported by the Modern Law Review.

Seminar at the University of Nottingham

Programme Seminar Nottingham (PDF, 343 KB)

Criminal Justice Research Centre

Modern Law Review


Weiterführende Informationen

Obstacles to Fairness in Criminal Proceedings

John Jackson, Sarah Summers (Hrsg.)

Hart Publishing, Oxford 2018