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Faculty of Law Lehrstuhl Picht

Immaterialgüterrecht: Patent-, Know-how und Markenrecht (Master)

Spring Term (FS) 2025 (Master Course)

Day: Tuesday, 16:15–18:00 h
Room: SOE-F-7

Lecture Plan IP:Lecture Plan IP FS25  (PDF, 33 KB)

Number of course: 3254
Part of the FS25 Module Immaterialgüterrecht (MLaw)

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Peter Georg Picht

Guest Speakers

Dr. Michael Ritscher, LL.M. (Partner MLL Legal)

Dr. Simon Holzer (Partner MLL Legal)

General information

The German held lecture “Intellectual Property Law: Patent-, Know-how and Trademark Law” provides students with in-depth knowledge of Swiss patent, know-how and trademark law as well as basic knowledge of international treaty provisions and EU law in the field of patent, know-how and trademark law. The course can be booked and attended on its own or in parallel with the course “Intellectual Property Law: Copyright and Design Law” by Prof. Florent Thouvenin


Slides and court decisions


Further reading

  • E-learing script (password-protected with UZH login)
  • EUGEN MARBACH / PATRIK DUCREY / GREGOR WILD, Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht, 4. Aufl., Bern 2017
  • MARKUS KAISER / DAVID RÜETSCHI, Immaterialgüterrecht, in a nutshell, 4. Aufl., Zürich/St.Gallen 2021
  • FLORENT THOUVENIN / MARCEL BIRCHER / ROLAND FISCHER, Immaterialgüterrecht, Lehrbuch und Repetitorium mit Übungsfällen, 3. Aufl., Zürich 2016
  • MARTIN STEIGER / NICOLAS BIRKHÄUSER / DAVID ASCHMANN (Hrsg.), Textausgabe Immaterialgüterrecht, 6. Aufl., Basel 2017


Exam information

The entire module “Intellectual Property Law”, which includes the two modules “Intellectual Property Law: Copyright and Design Law” and “Intellectual Property Law: Patent, Know-how and Trademark Law”, is examined with a written or oral examination (12 ECTS), depending on the number of bookings.

Alternatively, students can choose to take only one of the two modules: “Intellectual Property Law: Copyright and Design Law” or “Intellectual Property Law: Patent, Know-how and Trademark Law”. In this case, students will take a written or oral exam (6 ECTS credits), depending on the number of bookings.

For information on the legal texts and further examination information, please refer to the general information provided by the Faculty of Law of the University of Zurich: Exam Archive.


Lecture format

The lecture is held as a face-to-face event. The course is designed as a lecture, but it also relies on interaction with students. Therefore, the lectures are generally neither recorded nor made available as podcasts.

The lecture will take place at the times indicated in the lecture directory.

If you have any organizational questions, please contact Questions about the content of the lecture and the exam will only be answered in the lecture.

Link to documents (password protected, UZH short name)

This link to the lecture notes is password protected. You can access it with your individual UZH short name and password.