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Faculty of Law Chair Prof. Heiss

Prof. Dr. iur. Dr. h.c. Helmut Heiss

Current events: Visiting Professor Karel Van Hulle

Prof. Karel Van Hulle (KU Leuven) will visit the University of Zurich as a visiting professor in the spring semester of 2025. As part of his guest professorship, he will give a public lecture on reinsurance, and a lecture on insurance practice aimed at Master's students.

Chair for Private Law, Comparative Law and Conflict of Laws

Consultations:  By appointment only
Tel. secretary's office:  +41 (0)44 634 15 61
Tel. assistants: +41 (0)44 634 30 48
Fax: +41 (0)44 634 49 51

Postal address

University of Zurich
Faculty of Law
Chair Prof. Heiss
Rämistrasse 74/70
CH-8001 Zurich


RAI-G-159 (Prof. Heiss)
RAI-G-153 & RAI-G-155 (assistants)


Weiterführende Informationen

Lectures Spring Semester 2025

 The chair of Prof. Heiss is responsible for the following lectures in the spring semester:

Transnational Insurance Law: Principles of Reinsurance Contract Law (PRICL)

ATILA Lectures (Transatlantic Lectures on Insurance Law)

The Insurance Law SIG at the European Law Institute hosts ATILA Lectures; a lecture series that represents a transatlantic joint venture in which leading experts from Europe, North America, South America and Africa discuss fundamental questions of insurance law online (via zoom).

Zentrum für Liechtensteinisches Recht (ZLR)

Advisory services for students

For any questions regarding your studies, please contact the Student Center of the Faculty of Law.