'Art. 40a-40f OR', in: Widmer-Lüchinger/Oser (eds.), Basler Kommentar zum OR (in print).
'Exemption from Liability (A. General Prerequisites / B. Exemption for Conduct of a Third Person / C. Consequences / D. Breach Caused by Obligee), Economic Hardship', in: Ferrari/Torcello (Hrsg.), Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of International Sales Law (in print).
‘Consumer Sales‘, in: Micklitz/Namysłowska (eds.), Elgar Consumer Law Encyclopaedia, Edward Elgar Publishing (in print).
(With Cyrill A. H. Chevalley) ‘Mängelhaftung und Regress - Eine Herausforderung für Händler?‘ [Liability for defects and recourse - a challenge for retailers], in: Albers/Hamann (eds.), Vertrieb und Vertrag an der Schwelle zur digitalen Dienstleistungswirtschaft [sales and contracts on the verge of the digital service economy], Mohr Siebeck Verlag, pp. 105-128 (in print).
(With Jan Küng) ‘Recht auf Reparatur – Die neue EU-Reparaturrichtlinie: Ausstrahlung auf Schweizer Hersteller und Anpassungsbedarf des schweizerischen Rechts‘ [Right to Repair: The New EU Repair Directive: Implications for Swiss Manufacturers and the Need for Reform in Swiss Law], in: Jusletter 18. November 2024, 18 pp. (Link)
(With Markus Müller-Chen) Arts 28, 45-52 CISG, in: Schlechtriem/Schwenzer/Schroeter (eds.), Kommentar zum UN-Kaufrecht (CISG), 8th ed., C. H. Beck, Helbig Lichtenhahn, LexisNexis 2024, pp. 737-745 and pp. 1076-1218.
(With Patrick Wittum) 'Von Laissez-faire zu Regulierung: Grundlagen der EU-Richtlinie über die Sorgfaltspflichten von Unternehmen im Hinblick auf Nachhaltigkeit (CSDDD)' [From Laissez-faire to regulation: Core Issues of the EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CS3D)], EuZ 2024, p. 11-54. (PDF, 2 MB)
'Regulatorische Alternativen zur gerichtlichen AGB-Kontrolle in Konsumentenverträgen' [Regulatory alternatives to judicial control of general terms and conditions in consumer contracts], in: Hürlimann-Kaup/Jungo/Stöckli/Emmenegger/Krauskopf (eds.), Recht Suchen, Liber comitum für Jörg Schmid [Seeking Justice, Liber comitum for Jörg Schmid], Zurich/Geneva 2024, pp. 21-39. (Link)
'Interessenabwägung im Recht der AGB' [Balancing of interests in general contract terms], ZSR 2024/II, pp. 335-399. (Link)
(With Maurus Furger) 'Klassiker der Banken-AGB: Vertragsänderungsvorbehalts- und Retrozessionsverzichtsklauseln – Gedanken anlässlich des Urteils des Handelsgerichts Zürich HG210223-O vom 21. Juni 2023' [Classics of Banking Terms and Conditions: Contract Amendment Clauses and Retrocession Waivers – Reflections on the Judgment of the Commercial Court of Zurich HG210223-O from June 21, 2023], SZW 2024, pp. 140-165. (Link)
(With Mirjam Eggen and Dario Hug) ‘Zur Modernisierung des schweizerischen Gewährleistungsrechts im Fahrniskauf, Eine Analyse des Berichts des Bundesrates vom 16. Juni 2023 in Erfüllung des Postulates 18.3248 Marchand-Balet vom 15. März 2018’ [On the modernization of Swiss warranty law regarding sale of movable property, an analysis of the Federal Council's report of 16 June 2023], in: Jusletter 20. November 2023, S. 22. (Link)
‘Switzerland’, in: Busch/Lehmann (eds.), Unfair Terms in Banking and Financial Contracts, Oxford University Press 2023, pp. 597-624.
(With Stefan Grundman) ‘Sales Law in Transformation: Sustainability, Digitalization, Servitization’, in: Grundmann/Atamer (eds.), Sale of Goods Law in the 21st Century: Challenges Ahead, Intersentia 2023, pp. 1-46.
(With Stefan Grundmann) Editor, Sale of Goods Law in the 21st Century: Challenges Ahead, Intersentia 2023, XIV + 351 pp.
(With Andreas Furrer) Editor, Handkommentar zum Schweizer Privatrecht [Commentary on the Swiss Civil Law], Vol. 4, Obligationenrecht, Allgemeine Bestimmungen [Law of Obligations, General Part], Art. 1-183 OR, 4th ed., Schulthess 2023, LXXVII + 1115 pp.
(With Marc Amstutz) Editor, Handkommentar zum Schweizer Privatrecht [Commentary on the Swiss Civil Law], Vol. 8, Wirtschaftliche Nebenerlasse: FusG, UWG, KKG, PauRG und PrHG [Business Law: Merger, Unfair Competition, Consumer Credit, Package Tour, and Product Liability Laws], 4th edn., Schulthess 2023, LXXXVI + 819 pp.
(With Prof. Susanne Augenhofer, Dr. Katarzyna Południak Gierz and with participation of Rebecca Küter) ‘Feedback of the European Law Institute on the European's Commission Proposal for a Directive on Common Rules Promoting the Repair of Goods’ (COM(2023) 155 final), European Law Institute, Approved by the ELI Council on 24 May 2023. (Link)
(With Patrick Gerber) ‘Ethische Produktionsprozesse als Merkmal der Mangelfreiheit der Kaufsache?’ [Ethical Production Processes as a Requirement of Conformity of Goods?], AJP 2022, pp. 1159-1175. (PDF, 1 MB) (Link)
‘Nachhaltigkeit und die Rolle des Kaufrechts: Eine rechtsvergleichende Übersicht zu den Regulierungsmöglichkeiten’ [Sustainability and the Role of Sales Law: A Comparative Legal Overview of Regulatory Options], ZSR 2022/I, pp. 285-311. (Link)
(With Florian Willi) ‘Der schweizerische CSR Regulierungsansatz im Kontext neuester Entwicklungen in Europa’ [The Swiss CSR Regulatory Approach in the Context of Latest Developments in Europe], in: Belser/Pichonnaz/Stöckli (eds.), Le droits sans frontières - Recht ohne Grenzen - Law without Borders, Mélanges pour Franz Werro, Stämpfli 2022, pp. 41-54. (Link)
(With Jan Küng) ‘Haftungsbegrenzung bei kaufvertraglicher Sachgewährleistung, Wie viel Freiheit braucht es?’, [Limitation of Liability for Nonconforming Goods in Sales Contracts – How Much Freedom is Needed?], AJP 2021, pp. 1093-1111. (PDF, 545 KB)
(With Pascal Pichonnaz) 'Control of Price Related Terms in Standard Form Contracts - General Report - Judicial Control and Other Means of Price Control’, in: Boele-Woelki/Arroyo/Senegacnik (eds.), General Reports of the 20th Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law, Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law, Springer International 2021, pp. 249-281. (PDF, 1 MB)
(With Gökçe Kurtulan Güner) ‘Ürün Güvenliği ve Teknik Düzenlemeler Kanunu ile İmalatçının Sorumluluğu Konusu Türk Hukuku Açısından Çözülmüş müdür?’ [The Missing Product Liability Provisions in Turkey – Does the Law on Product Safety and Technical Regulations Provide for an Answer?], in: Ankara Üni. Hukuk Fak. Dergisi [Ankara University Law Journal] 2021, pp. 543-588. (PDF, 397 KB)
(With Florian Willi) ‘CSR-Berichterstattung Ante Portas: Indirekter Gegenvorschlag zur Konzernverantwortungsinitiative’, [CSR-Reporting Ante Portas: The Counterproposal to the Swiss Responsible Business Initiative], SZW 2020, pp. 686-701. (PDF, 144 KB) (Link)
(With Florian Willi) ‘Konzernverantwortungsinitiative: Was ändert sich bei einem JA?’ [Swiss Responsible Business Initiative: What Changes if a YES Prevails], SZW 2020, pp. 435-448. (PDF, 1 MB) (Link)
‘Replacement of non-conforming goods “free of charge” – Is there a need to differentiate between B2B and B2C sales contracts?’, 25(1) Uniform Law Review 2020, pp. 1-26. (PDF, 220 KB) (Link)
‘Einheitsrecht als Labor für rechtsvergleichenden Unterricht’ [Unified Law as a Laboratory for Comparative Teaching], in: Brockmann/Pilniok/Schmidt (eds.), Rechtsvergleichung als didaktische Herausforderung [Comparative Law as a Didactic Challenge], Mohr Siebeck Publishing 2020, pp. 87-103. (Link)
(With Semir Hermidas) ‘Die neue EU-Richtlinie zum Verbrauchsgüterkauf – Regelung, Neuerung und mögliche Ausstrahlung auf das schweizerische Kaufrecht’ [The New EU Directive on Consumer Sales – Regulation, Innovation, and Potential Impact on Swiss Sales Law], AJP 2020, pp. 48-67. (PDF, 1 MB)
(With Zahide Altunbaş Sancak) ‘Satım Sözleşmesinde Zapt: Türk Borçlar Kanunu Hükümleri Günümüz Sorunlarına Ne Ölçüde Cevap Verebiliyor?’ [How Contemporary are the Rules of the Turkish Code of Obligations on Third Party Rights in Sales Contracts?], Prof. Dr. Türkân Rado’nun Anısına Armağan [In memory of Prof. Rado], On Iki Levha Verlag 2020, pp. 67-106. (PDF, 349 KB)
(With Ece Baş Süzel and Elliott Geisinger) Editor: Uluslararası İnşaat Sözleşmelerinde Beklenmeyen Hal [The Unforeseen in International Construction Contracts], XII Levha Publishing, Istanbul 2020, XXXVI + 351 pp.
(With Pascal Pichonnaz) Editor, 'Control of Price Related Terms in Standard Form Contracts', in: Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law, Springer International 2019, XXXI + 758 pp.
(With Zahide Altunbaş Sancak) ‘Hisse Devir Sözleşmelerinde Sonuca Katılmalı Fiyat Düzenlemeleri (Earn-Out Klozları) – Mukayeseli Bir İncelenme’ [Earn-Out Clauses in Share Purchase Agreements – A Comparative Overview], Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi [Banking and Commercial Law Journal] 2019, pp. 97-133.
(With Yasemin Kabaklıoğlu Arslanyürek and Damla Taşkın) Editor, 'Milletlerarası Mal Satımına İlişkin Sözleşmeler Hakkında Birleşmiş Milletler Antlaşması (CISG) Danışma Kurulu Görüşleri' [CISG Advisory Council Opinions – Turkish translations], XII Levha Publishers 2019, XX + 547 pp.
(With Ece Baş Süzel and Elliott Geisinger) Editor, 'Uluslararası İnşaat Sözleşmelerinde Ortak Girişimler' [Joint Ventures in International Construction Contracts], XII Levha Publishers, İstanbul 2019, XXXVI + 345 pp.
Commentary of Arts 78-80 CISG, in: Kröll/Mistelis/Perales Viscasillas (eds.), UN-Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), C. H. Beck, Hart, Nomos Publishers, 2nd ed., 2018, pp. 1027-1089. (Link)
‘Unlauterer Wettbewerb durch Nutzung von ungültigen AGB?’ [Unfair Competition by Using Unfair Standard Contract Terms?], in: Emmenegger/Hrubesch-Millauer/Krauskopf/Wolf (eds.), Brücken bauen, Festschrift für Thomas Koller, Stämpfli, Bern 2018, pp. 35-57. (PDF, 11 MB)
‘Ceza Koşulu – Götürü Tazminat – Sorumsuzluk Anlaşması: Hangisi? Karşılaştırmalı Hukuk Işığında Sözleşmelerin Yorumlanmasında Bazı Tutamak Noktaları’ [Penalty, Liquidated Damages or Exemption Clause? Interpretation Guidelines in Light of Comparative Law], in: Atamer/Baş Süzel/Geisinger (eds.), Uluslararası İnşaat Sözleşmelerinde Gecikme ve Temerrüt – Eski Bir Soruna Yeni Çözümler, XII Levha Publishing, İstanbul 2018, pp. 87-131.
(With Ece Baş Süzel and Elliott Geisinger) Editor, Uluslararası İnşaat Sözleşmelerinde Gecikme ve Temerrüt – Eski Bir Soruna Yeni Çözümler [Delays in International Construction Contracts – New Approaches to an Eternal Issue], XII Levha Publishing, İstanbul 2018, XXXIV + 326 pp.
(With Mirjam Eggen) ‘Reformbedürftigkeit des schweizerischen Kaufrechts – eine
Übersicht’ [The Need to Reform the Swiss Sales Law - An Overview], ZBJV 2017, pp. 731-787. (PDF, 525 KB)
‘Why Judicial Control of Price Terms in Consumer Contracts Might Not Always be the Right Answer - Insights from Behavioural Law and Economics', 80(4) Modern Law Review 2017, pp. 624-660. (PDF, 254 KB)
'Kredi ve Diğer Finansman Sözleşmelerinde Tüketicinin Korunması' [Consumer Protection in Credit and Other Financing Contracts], XII Levha Verlag, Istanbul 2016, XXVI + 306 pp.
(With Ece Baş and Elliott Geisinger) Editor, 'Uluslararası İnşaat Sözleşmeleri ve Uyuşmazlık Çözüm Yolları' [International Construction Contracts and Dispute Resolution], XII Levha Publishing, İstanbul 2016, XXVIII + 236 pp.
(With Damla Taşkın) ‘Transseksüellere İlişkin Hukuksal Düzenlemeler: Uygulama, Anayasa ve Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi’ne Aykırı Yönler ve Revizyon Teklifleri’ [The Legal Regime of Transsexuals: The Current Practice, Violation of the Turkish Constitution and of the European Convention on Human Rights - Proposals for a Revision], 42 Yargıtay Dergisi 2016 [Journal of the Court of Cassation], Issue 4, pp. 719-782.
(With Kerem Cem Sanlı) ‘Borçlar Kanunu’ndaki Faiz Serbestisini Sınırlayan Hükümlerin Uygulama Alanı: Hukuk, Ekonomi ve Davranışsal Ekonomi Perspektifinden Bir İnceleme’ [The Scope of Application of the Interest Rate Caps in the Code of Obligations: An Analysis from Law and Economics and Behavioural Economics Perspective], Yargıtay Dergisi 2016 [Journal of the Court of Cassation], Issue 3, pp. 395-460.
Commentary of Arts. 6.1.1 - 6.1.17 (Performance in General), in: Vogenauer (ed.), Commentary on the Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts (2010), Oxford University Press, 2nd ed., 2015, pp. 715-805. (Link)
‘Do We Really Need Special Provisions for Business-to-Consumer Sales?’, in: Schwenzer (ed.), 35 Years CISG and Beyond, Eleven Publishing, The Hague 2015, pp. 185-204. (PDF, 325 KB)
‘The Legal Status of Transsexual and Transgender Persons in Turkey’, in: Scherpe (ed.), The Legal Status of Transsexual and Transgender Persons, Intersentia 2015, pp. 313-331.
‘6502 Sayılı Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun Çerçevesinde Fiyat Denetimi’ [Price Control under the new Consumer Protection Code No 6502], in: Inceoglu (ed.), Yeni Tüketici Hukuku Konferansı [Conference on the new Consumer Code], XII Levha Publishing, Istanbul 2015, pp. 7-41.
(With Ingeborg Schwenzer and Petra Butler) Herausgeberin, Current Issues in the CISG and Arbitration, Eleven Publishing, The Hague 2014, VIII + 298 pp.
‘Die abstrakte Schadensberechnung und ihr Verhältnis zum Anspruch auf den entgangenen Gewinn am Beispiel von Artikel 74 und 76 CISG’ [Relation of market damages and lost profits under Art. 74 and 76 CISG], in: Mankowski/Wurmnest (eds,.), Festschrift für Ulrich Magnus, Sellier European Law Publishing, 2014, pp. 145-160.
‘Interest Claim under the CISG: Uniform or Domestic Law Approach?’, in: Schwenzer/Atamer/Butler (eds.), Current Issues in the CISG and Arbitration, Eleven Publishing, The Hague 2014, pp. 275-298. (PDF, 783 KB)
(With Ece Baş) ‘Avrupa Birliği Hukuku ile Karşılaştırmalı Olarak 6502 Sayılı Yeni
Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun Uyarınca Satım Sözleşmesinde Ayıptan Doğan Sorumluluk’ [Non-Conformity and Liability of the Seller under the new Consumer Code in Comparison with EU Law], İstanbul Barosu Dergisi [Journal of the Istanbul Bar], Tüketici Hakları ve Rekabet Hukuku Özel Sayısı, 2014, pp. 19-60.
(With Gül Okutan Nilsson) 'Para Alacaklısının Geç Ödemelere Karşı Korunmasına İlişkin Yeni TK m. 1530 Düzenlemesi ve Uygulama Alanı' [Combating late payment in accordance with Art. 1530 of the new Turkish Commercial Code], Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi [Journal for Banking and Commercial Law] 2013, pp. 31-82.
'Genel İşlem Koşulu mu Bireysel Pazarlıkla Kurulan Sözleşme mi? Tüketici ve Tacir İşlemleri Açısından Karşılaştırmalı Olarak Başvurabilecek Değerlendirme Kriterleri' [General terms and conditions or negotiated contracts? Criteria for evaluating B2B and B2C contracts], in: Kırca (ed.), Yenı̇ Türk Borçlar Kanunu ve Yenı̇ Türk Tı̇caret Kanunu Sempozyumu Makaleler, Teblı̇ğler, Vedat Verlag, İstanbul 2013, pp. 103-137.
(With M. Murat İnceoğlu) 'Das neue türkische Obligationenrecht vom 11. Januar 2011 – ein Überblick zu den wichtigsten Änderungen' [The new Turkish Code of Obligations of 11 January 2011 - an overview of the most important changes], ZBJV 2013, pp. 67-80. (Link)
Rapporteur for CISG-AC Opinion No. 14, Interest under Article 78 CISG, Adopted unanimously by the CISG Advisory Council following its 18th meeting, in Beijing, China on 21 and 22 October 2013. PDF (PDF, 1 MB)
(With Samim Ünan) 'Control of General and Special Conditions of Insurance Under Turkish Law with Special Regard to the Transparency Requirement', in: Ünan/Wandt (eds.), Transparency in Insurance Law, Istanbul 2012, pp. 65-88. (Link)
'Yeni Türk Borçlar Kanunu Hükümleri Uyarınca Genel İşlem Koşullarının Denetlenmesi – TKHK m. 6 ve TTK m. 55, f.1, (f) ile Karşılaştırmalı Olarak' [Control of general terms and conditions under the new Turkish Code of Obligations - In comparison to Art. 6 of the Turkish Consumer Protection Law and Art. 55 of the Turkish Commercial Code], Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Enstitüsü Yayını [Publication of the Institute for Banking and Commercial Law], Ankara 2012, pp. 9-73.
'Yeni Türk Borçlar Kanununda Taşınır Satımı Sözleşmesi' [The sales contract according to the new Turkish Code of Obligations], in: İnceoğlu (ed.), Türk Borçlar Kanunu Sempozyumu [Symposium on the new Turkish Code of Obligations], XII Levha Verlag, 2012, pp. 187-221
‚Performance and its Modalities‘ (S. 1266-1269), ‚Discharge by Performance and its Surrogates‘ (pp. 466-470), ‚Turkish Civil Code and Turkish Code of Obligations‘ (pp. 1701-1705), in: Basedow/Hopt/Zimmermann/Stier (eds.), The Max Planck Encyclopedia of European Private Law, Oxford University Press 2012.
(With M. Murat İnceoğlu) 'Satım Sözleşmesı̇nde Tüketı̇cı̇nı̇n Seçı̇mlı̇k Hakları ve Avrupa Bı̇rlı̇ğı̇ Hukuku ı̇le Uyumu Sorunu' [To what extent are the regulations on Turkish consumer sales contracts compatible with EU law], Publikation vom Verband der Automobilhändler [Publication from the Association of Automobile Dealers], May 2012, p. 75.
(With Stefan Grundmann) 'Financial Services, Financial Crisis and General European Contract Law - Failure and Challenges of Contracting' , Kluwer Law International 2011, XXIII + 324 pp.
(With Kerem Cem Sanlı) 'Hukuk ve Ekonomi Perspektifinden İmalatçının Kusursuz Sorumluluğuna Dair Bir Değerlendirme' [Economic analysis of the producer's causal liability], in: İnceoğlu (eds.), Festschrift für Belgin Erdoğmuş [Commemorative publication for Belgin Erdoğmuş], Der Verlag 2011, pp. 769-813.
'Availability of Remedies other than Damages in Case of Exemption According to Art. 79 CISG', in: Büchler/Müller-Chen (eds.), Private Law, National – Global – Comparative, Festschrift für Ingeborg Schwenzer [Commemorative publication for Ingeborg Schwenzer], Stämpfli Verlag 2011, pp. 83-98. (PDF, 294 KB)
'Haftung des gewerblichen Verkäufers für Schäden durch mangelhafte Ware: Ist das Verschuldenserfordernis sachgerecht?' [Liability of the commercial seller for damage caused by defective goods: Is the fault requirement appropriate?], ZSR 2011, pp. 449-478.
(Mit Stefan Grundmann) 'European Contract Law and Banking Contracts after the Financial Crisis - Challenges for Contracting and Market Transactions', in: Grundmann/Atamer (eds.), Financial Services, Financial Crisis and General European Contract Law - Failure and Challenges of Contracting, Kluwer Law International 2011, pp. 3-31. (Link)
'Duty of Responsible Lending – Should the European Union Take Action?', in: Grundmann/Atamer (eds.), Financial Services, Financial Crisis and General European Contract Law - Failure and Challenges of Contracting , Kluwer Law International 2011, pp. 179-202. (Link)
(With Kerem Cem Sanlı) 'Kredi Kartı Faizleri ve Yıllık Ücretleri Örneğinde Fiyat Denetimi ve Sınırları' [Price control and its limits - the example of credit card interest rates and the annual fee for credit cards], Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi [Banking and Commercial Law Journal] 2010, pp. 17-60.
'İfa Engelleri Hukukunu Yeniden Sistematize Etmeyi Düşünmek: Borca Aykırılık Türleri Yerine Yaptırımları Esas Alan Bir Sistematik' [Reflections on a new system of the law on the impairment of performance: from the ‘cause approach’ to the ‘remedy approach'], in: Rona Serozan’a Armağan [Commemorative publication for Rona Serozan], XII Levha Verlag 2010, pp. 217- 260.
'Grenzen des Erfüllungsanspruchs im System des Leistungsstörungsrechts der PICC, PECL und des DCFR im Vergleich zum CISG – Probleme und Änderungsvorschläge' [Limits of the claim for fulfilment in the system of the PICC, PECL and the DCFR in comparison to the CISG - problems and proposed amendments], in: Grundmann/Haar/Merkt et al. (eds.), Festschrift für Klaus J. Hopt [Commemorative publication for Klaus J. Hopt], Walter de Gruyter Verlag 2010, pp. 3-25.
(With Klaus J. Hopt) 'Kompatibilität des türkischen und europäischen Wirtschaftsrechts - Der neue türkische HGB-Entwurf und benachbarte Rechtsgebiete' [Compatibility of Turkish and European Commercial Law - The New Turkish Commercial Code Draft and Neighbouring Fields of Law], Beiträge zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht Nr. 91 [Contributions to foreign and international private law No. 91], Mohr Siebeck Verlag, Tübingen 2009, XXVIII + 335 pp. (Link)
'Erfüllung und ihre Surrogate, Leistungspflicht und Türkisches ZGB und OR' [Fulfilment and its surrogates, obligation to perform and Turkish ZGB and OR], in: Basedow/Hopt/Zimmermann (eds.), Handwörterbuch des Europäischen Privatrechts [Dictionary of European Private Law], Mohr Siebeck Verlag 2009, pp. 432-436; 1016-1020; 1505-1509. (Link)
(With Hans-W. Micklitz) 'Implementation of the EU Consumer Protection Directives in Turkey', 27 Penn State International Law Review 2009, pp. 551-607. (PDF, 3 MB)
'Third Persons’ Liability for Non-Conformity in Sales Contracts and Sellers’ Right of Redress in Turkey', in: Ebers/Janssen/Meyer (eds.), European Perspectives on Producers’ Liability - Direct Producers’ Liability and the Sellers’ Right of Redress, Sellier European Law Publishers 2009, pp. 579-600. (Link)
(With Hans-W. Micklitz) Juristisches Gutachten vorbereitet für die Kommission der Europäischen Union: 'Kompatibilität des EU Konsumentenrecht und des Konsumentenrechts der Türkisch-Zypriotischen Gemeinde' [Legal Opinion prepared for the Commission of the European Union: ‘Compatibility of EU Consumer Law and the Consumer Law of the Turkish Cypriot Community], 2009.
'Milletlerarası Satım Hukuku – Milletlerarası Mal Satımına İlişkin Sözleşmeler Hakkında Birleşmiş Milletler Antlaşması (CISG)' [International Sales Law - The UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)], XII Levha Verlag, Istanbul 2008, XXIV + 374 pp. (2. ed. 2012).
'Rezeption und Weiterentwicklung des Schweizerischen Zivilgesetzbuches in der Türkei' [Reception and further development of the Swiss Civil Code in Turkey], RabelsZ 2008, pp. 723-754. (PDF, 2 MB)
'Paket Tur Sözleşmelerine İlişkin TKHK m.6/C’nin Revizyonuna İlişkin Teklifler' [Proposed revisions to Article 6/C of the Consumer Protection Act on package travel contracts], Prof. Dr. Uğur Alacakaptan Armağanı [Commemorative publication for Uğur Alacakaptan], İstanbul Bilgi University Verlag 2008, pp. 87-101.
'İnternet Bankacılığının Üçüncü Kişi Tarafından Hukuka Aykırı Şekilde Kullanılması Halinde Doğan Zararları Kim Taşıyacaktır?' [Who bears the risk in the event of misuse of online banking data?], Banka Hukuku ve Yargıtay Kararları Sempozyumu, [Symposium on banking law and Court of Cassation decisions relating to banking law] 2007, pp. 15-37.
'Tüketici Hukukunun Gelişimi: Dünü, Bugünü ve Yarını' [Development of consumer law and future prospects], in: Ceylan (ed.), Tüketicinin Korunması Semineri, Yetkin Verlag, Ankara 2007, pp. 21-32.
'Tüketici Satım Sözleşmelerine İlişkin TKHK m. 4 – Eleştiriler ve Revizyon Teklifleri', [Article 4 of the Consumer Protection Act on the Purchase of Consumer Goods – A Critical Analysis and Proposals for Revision] Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi [Journal of Banking and Commercial Law] 2007, pp. 81-108.
(With Hans-W. Micklitz) Juristisches Gutachten vorbereitet für das türkische Ministerium für Industrie und Handel: 'EU-Kompatibilität des türkischen Konsumentenrechts' [Legal opinion prepared for the Turkish Ministry of Industry and Trade: ‘EU compatibility of Turkish consumer law’], 2007
'Revize Edilmiş Türk Borçlar Kanunu Tasarısı’na İlişkin Değerlendirme ve Teklifler'
[Evaluation of and proposals for the revised draft of the new Turkish Code of Obligations], Hukuki Perspektifler Dergisi [legal perspectives] 2006, pp. 8-37.
'Sözleşme Boşluklarının Hakim Tarafından Doldurulması Sorununa İlişkin Bazı Düşünceler' [Thoughts on the judicial contract amendment], İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası [Law Review of the University of İstanbul] 2006, pp. 171-191.
'Uluslararası Satım Sözleşmelerine İlişkin Birleşmiş Milletler Antlaşması (CISG) Uyarınca Satıcının Yükümlülükleri ve Sözleşmeye Aykırılığın Sonuçları' [Obligations of the seller and the consequences of breach of contract under the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)], Beta Verlag, İstanbul 2005, XLIV + 546 pp. PDF (PDF, 1 MB)
'TKHK m.9/A ve Mesafeli Sözleşmelere İlişkin Uygulama Usul ve Esasları Hakkında Yönetmelik'in AB Mevzuatı İle Uyumuna İlişkin Görüş ve Değişiklik Önerileri' [EU law conformity of Art. 9/A of the Consumer Protection Act and the regulation for protection in distance selling], Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi [Banking and Commercial Law Journal] 2005, pp. 177-199.
'Die autonome Umsetzung der Verbrauchsgüterkaufrichtlinie 1999/44/EG in der Türkei - zugleich ein Beitrag zum Stand des Verbraucherschutzes in der Türkei' [The autonomous implementation of the Consumer Sales Directive 1999/44/EC in Turkey – also a contribution to the state of consumer protection in Turkey], ZEuP 2005, pp. 566-595.
'The Legal Status of Transsexuals in Turkey', 8(1) International Journal of Transgenderism 2005, The Haworth Press, Inc., pp. 65-71. (PDF, 781 KB)
'İnternet ve Hukuk' [Internet and Law], Istanbul Bilgi University Verlag, Istanbul 2004, XVI + 822 pp.
'Länderbericht Türkei' [Country Report Turkey], in: Basedow/Scherpe (eds.), Transsexualität, Staatsangehörigkeit und internationales Privatrecht - Entwicklungen in Europa, Amerika und Australien [Transsexuality, nationality and private international law – developments in Europe, America and Australia], Mohr Siebeck 2004, pp. 74-79.
'Genel İşlem Şartlarının Denetiminde Yeni Açılımlar: Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun m.6, Tüketici Sözleşmelerindeki Haksız Şartlar Hakkında Yönetmelik ve Borçlar Kanunu Taslağı m. 18a-f' [New perspectives for protection against general terms and conditions: the new Art. 6 of the Consumer Protection Act, the Regulation on protection against unfair terms and the draft of the Swiss Code of Obligations, Art. 18 a-f], Commemorative publication for Necip Kocayusufpaşaoğlu, Seçkin Verlag, Ankara 2004, pp. 291-331
'Kredi Kartının Üçüncü Kişi Tarafından Hukuka Aykırı Şekilde Kullanılması Halinde Doğan Zararları Kim Taşıyacaktır?' [Who bears the risk of credit card misuse?], in: Commemorative publication for Ünal Tekinalp, Vol. I, Beta Verlag, İstanbul 2003, pp. 993-1031.
'Die Gleichbehandlung von Männern und Frauen im türkischen Arbeits- und Sozialrecht im Vergleich zum Recht der Europäischen Union' [The equal treatment of men and women in Turkish labour and social security law compared to European Union law], in: Maydell/Ekonomi/Haenlein (eds.), Der Einfluss des internationalen und supranationalen Rechts auf das türkische und das deutsche Arbeits- und Sozialrecht und die Bedeutung des Rechtsvergleichs [The influence of international and supranational law on Turkish and German labour and social security law and the importance of comparative law], Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden 2003, pp. 173-190.
'Sözleşme Özgürlüğünün Sınırlandırılması Sorunu Çerçevesinde Genel İşlem Şartlarının Denetlenmesi' [Control of general terms and conditions and restriction of freedom of contract], Beta Verlag, 2nd ed., İstanbul 2001 (1st ed., Ist. 1999), XL + 321 pp. PDF (PDF, 1 MB)
'Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanunda Değişiklik Öngören Tasarının Sözleşme Hukukunun Bazı Yönleri Açısından Avrupa Birliği Mevzuatıyla Karşılaştırılması' [A comparative analysis: EU law and the draft amendment to the Consumer Protection Act], Milletlerarası Hukuk ve Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Bülteni [Public and Private International Law Bulletin] 2001, pp. 1-32.
'Yapımcının Sorumluluğu, Kapıönü İşlemleri ve Tüketici Sözleşmelerinde Yer Alan Dürüstlük Kuralına Aykırı Hükümler' [Product liability, unfair terms in consumer contracts and distance selling], in: Tekinalp (eds.), Türk Hukukunun Avrupa Birliği Hukukuna Uyumu – Acquis Communautaire’in Alınması – Açıklamalar, Değerlendirmeler, Öneriler [Harmonisation of Turkish law with EU law – adoption of the acquis communautaire], Research project of Istanbul University, Istanbul 2001, pp. 379-391 and 419-427.
'Tacirlerin Genel İşlem Şartlarına Karşı Korunması Yolları' [Protection of entrepreneurs against general terms and conditions], Publication of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, Nr. 2001-08, Istanbul 2001, p. 54
'Avrupa Birliğinin Tüketici, Çevre ve Sosyal Politikaları' [The European Union's consumer, environmental and social policy], in: Tekinalp/Tekinalp (Hrsg.), Avrupa Birliği Hukuku [Law of the European Union], Beta Verlag, 2nd ed., İstanbul 2000, XLVII + 895, pp. 596-662.
'Satım Sözleşmesinde Hasarın İntikal Anı - Hukuk Tarihi, Karşılaştırmalı Hukuk ve Milletlerarası Hukuk Açısından BK m.183’ün Farklı Okunması Gereği' [Transfer of risk in the sales contract: On the necessity of a new interpretation of Art. 183 of the Turkish Code of Obligations in the light of legal history, comparative law and international law], Prof. Dr. Kemal Oğuzman'a Armağan [Commemorative publication Kemal Oğuzman], Beta Verlag, İstanbul 2000, pp. 131-167.
'Ölüden Organ Naklinin Beraberinde Getirdiği Bazı Hukuki Sorunlar' [Juristische Probleme im Zusammenhang mit Organtransplantation von Verstorbenen], Milletlerarası Hukuk ve Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Bülteni [Public and Private International Law Bulletin] 1999-2000, S. 115-159.
'Üçüncü Kişinin Uğradığı Zararların Sözleşmesel Sorumluluk Kurallarına Göre Tazmini' [Ersatz von Drittschäden nach vertragsrechtlichen Bestimmungen], Yargıtay Dergisi [Zeitschrift des Kassationshofs] 1999-2000, S. 99-132.