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Faculty of Law Chair for Private, Commercial, European and Comparative Law



  • 'Art. 40a-40f OR', in: Widmer-Lüchinger/Oser (eds.), Basler Kommentar zum OR (in print).
  • 'Exemption from Liability (A. General Prerequisites / B. Exemption for Conduct of a Third Person / C. Consequences / D. Breach Caused by Obligee), Economic Hardship',  in: Ferrari/Torcello (Hrsg.), Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of International Sales Law (in print).
  • ‘Consumer Sales‘, in: Micklitz/Namysłowska (eds.), Elgar Consumer Law Encyclopaedia, Edward Elgar Publishing (in print).
  • (With Cyrill A. H. Chevalley) ‘Mängelhaftung und Regress - Eine Herausforderung für Händler?‘ [Liability for defects and recourse - a challenge for retailers], in: Albers/Hamann (eds.), Vertrieb und Vertrag an der Schwelle zur digitalen Dienstleistungswirtschaft [sales and contracts on the verge of the digital service economy], Mohr Siebeck Verlag, pp. 105-128 (in print).


  • (With Jan Küng) ‘Recht auf Reparatur – Die neue EU-Reparaturrichtlinie: Ausstrahlung auf Schweizer Hersteller und Anpassungsbedarf des schweizerischen Rechts‘ [Right to Repair: The New EU Repair Directive: Implications for Swiss Manufacturers and the Need for Reform in Swiss Law], in: Jusletter 18. November 2024, 18 pp. (Link)
  • (With Markus Müller-Chen) Arts 28, 45-52 CISG, in: Schlechtriem/Schwenzer/Schroeter (eds.), Kommentar zum UN-Kaufrecht (CISG), 8th ed., C. H. Beck, Helbig Lichtenhahn, LexisNexis 2024, pp. 737-745 and pp. 1076-1218.
  • (With Patrick Wittum) 'Von Laissez-faire zu Regulierung: Grundlagen der EU-Richtlinie über die Sorgfaltspflichten von Unternehmen im Hinblick auf Nachhaltigkeit (CSDDD)' [From Laissez-faire to regulation: Core Issues of the EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CS3D)], EuZ 2024, p. 11-54.  (PDF, 2 MB)
  • 'Regulatorische Alternativen zur gerichtlichen AGB-Kontrolle in Konsumentenverträgen' [Regulatory alternatives to judicial control of general terms and conditions in consumer contracts], in: Hürlimann-Kaup/Jungo/Stöckli/Emmenegger/Krauskopf (eds.), Recht Suchen, Liber comitum für Jörg Schmid [Seeking Justice, Liber comitum for Jörg Schmid], Zurich/Geneva 2024, pp. 21-39. (Link)
  • 'Interessenabwägung im Recht der AGB' [Balancing of interests in general contract terms], ZSR 2024/II, pp. 335-399. (Link)
  • (With Maurus Furger) 'Klassiker der Banken-AGB: Vertragsänderungsvorbehalts- und Retrozessionsverzichtsklauseln – Gedanken anlässlich des Urteils des Handelsgerichts Zürich HG210223-O vom 21. Juni 2023' [Classics of Banking Terms and Conditions: Contract Amendment Clauses and Retrocession Waivers – Reflections on the Judgment of the Commercial Court of Zurich HG210223-O from June 21, 2023], SZW 2024, pp. 140-165. (Link)


  • (With Mirjam Eggen and Dario Hug) ‘Zur Modernisierung des schweizerischen Gewährleistungsrechts im Fahrniskauf, Eine Analyse des Berichts des Bundesrates vom 16. Juni 2023 in Erfüllung des Postulates 18.3248 Marchand-Balet vom 15. März 2018’ [On the modernization of Swiss warranty law regarding sale of movable property, an analysis of the Federal Council's report of 16 June 2023], in: Jusletter 20. November 2023, S. 22. (Link)
  • ‘Switzerland’, in: Busch/Lehmann (eds.), Unfair Terms in Banking and Financial Contracts, Oxford University Press 2023, pp. 597-624.
  • (With Stefan Grundman) ‘Sales Law in Transformation: Sustainability, Digitalization, Servitization’, in: Grundmann/Atamer (eds.), Sale of Goods Law in the 21st Century: Challenges Ahead, Intersentia 2023, pp. 1-46.
  • (With Stefan Grundmann) Editor, Sale of Goods Law in the 21st Century: Challenges Ahead, Intersentia 2023, XIV + 351 pp.
  • (With Andreas Furrer) Editor, Handkommentar zum Schweizer Privatrecht [Commentary on the Swiss Civil Law], Vol. 4, Obligationenrecht, Allgemeine Bestimmungen [Law of Obligations, General Part], Art. 1-183 OR, 4th ed., Schulthess 2023, LXXVII + 1115 pp.
  • (With Marc Amstutz) Editor, Handkommentar zum Schweizer Privatrecht [Commentary on the Swiss Civil Law], Vol. 8, Wirtschaftliche Nebenerlasse: FusG, UWG, KKG, PauRG und PrHG  [Business Law: Merger, Unfair Competition, Consumer Credit, Package Tour, and Product Liability Laws], 4th edn., Schulthess 2023, LXXXVI + 819 pp.
  • (With Prof. Susanne Augenhofer, Dr. Katarzyna Południak Gierz and with participation of Rebecca Küter) ‘Feedback of the European Law Institute on the European's Commission Proposal for a Directive on Common Rules Promoting the Repair of Goods’ (COM(2023) 155 final), European Law Institute, Approved by the ELI Council on 24 May 2023. (Link)


  • (With Patrick Gerber) ‘Ethische Produktionsprozesse als Merkmal der Mangelfreiheit der Kaufsache?’ [Ethical Production Processes as a Requirement of Conformity of Goods?], AJP 2022, pp. 1159-1175.  (PDF, 1 MB) (Link)
  • ‘Nachhaltigkeit und die Rolle des Kaufrechts: Eine rechtsvergleichende Übersicht zu den Regulierungsmöglichkeiten’ [Sustainability and the Role of Sales Law: A Comparative Legal Overview of Regulatory Options], ZSR 2022/I, pp. 285-311. (Link)
  • (With Florian Willi) ‘Der schweizerische CSR Regulierungsansatz im Kontext neuester Entwicklungen in Europa’ [The Swiss CSR Regulatory Approach in the Context of Latest Developments in Europe], in: Belser/Pichonnaz/Stöckli (eds.), Le droits sans frontières - Recht ohne Grenzen - Law without Borders, Mélanges pour Franz Werro, Stämpfli 2022, pp. 41-54.  (Link)


  • (With Jan Küng) ‘Haftungsbegrenzung bei kaufvertraglicher Sachgewährleistung, Wie viel Freiheit braucht es?’, [Limitation of Liability for Nonconforming Goods in Sales Contracts – How Much Freedom is Needed?], AJP 2021, pp. 1093-1111.  (PDF, 545 KB)
  • (With Pascal Pichonnaz) 'Control of Price Related Terms in Standard Form Contracts -  General Report - Judicial Control and Other Means of Price Control’, in: Boele-Woelki/Arroyo/Senegacnik (eds.), General Reports of the 20th Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law, Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law, Springer International 2021, pp. 249-281.  (PDF, 1 MB)
  • (With Gökçe Kurtulan Güner) ‘Ürün Güvenliği ve Teknik Düzenlemeler Kanunu ile İmalatçının Sorumluluğu Konusu Türk Hukuku Açısından Çözülmüş müdür?’ [The Missing Product Liability Provisions in Turkey – Does the Law on Product Safety and Technical Regulations Provide for an Answer?], in: Ankara Üni. Hukuk Fak. Dergisi [Ankara University Law Journal] 2021, pp. 543-588.  (PDF, 397 KB)


  • (With Florian Willi) ‘CSR-Berichterstattung Ante Portas: Indirekter Gegenvorschlag zur Konzernverantwortungsinitiative’, [CSR-Reporting Ante Portas: The Counterproposal to the Swiss Responsible Business Initiative], SZW 2020, pp. 686-701.  (PDF, 144 KB)  (Link)
  • (With Florian Willi) ‘Konzernverantwortungsinitiative: Was ändert sich bei einem JA?’ [Swiss Responsible Business Initiative: What Changes if a YES Prevails], SZW 2020, pp. 435-448.  (PDF, 1 MB) (Link)
  • ‘Replacement of non-conforming goods “free of charge” – Is there a need to differentiate between B2B and B2C sales contracts?’, 25(1) Uniform Law Review 2020, pp. 1-26.  (PDF, 220 KB) (Link)
  • ‘Einheitsrecht als Labor für rechtsvergleichenden Unterricht’ [Unified Law as a Laboratory for Comparative Teaching], in: Brockmann/Pilniok/Schmidt (eds.), Rechtsvergleichung als didaktische Herausforderung [Comparative Law as a Didactic Challenge], Mohr Siebeck Publishing 2020, pp. 87-103. (Link)
  • (With Semir Hermidas) ‘Die neue EU-Richtlinie zum Verbrauchsgüterkauf – Regelung, Neuerung und mögliche Ausstrahlung auf das schweizerische Kaufrecht’ [The New EU Directive on Consumer Sales – Regulation, Innovation, and Potential Impact on Swiss Sales Law], AJP 2020, pp. 48-67.  (PDF, 1 MB)
  • (With Zahide Altunbaş Sancak) ‘Satım Sözleşmesinde Zapt: Türk Borçlar Kanunu Hükümleri Günümüz Sorunlarına Ne Ölçüde Cevap Verebiliyor?’ [How Contemporary are the Rules of the Turkish Code of Obligations on Third Party Rights in Sales Contracts?], Prof. Dr. Türkân Rado’nun Anısına Armağan [In memory of Prof. Rado], On Iki Levha Verlag 2020, pp. 67-106.  (PDF, 349 KB)
  • (With Ece Baş Süzel and Elliott Geisinger) Editor: Uluslararası İnşaat Sözleşmelerinde Beklenmeyen Hal [The Unforeseen in International Construction Contracts], XII Levha Publishing, Istanbul 2020, XXXVI + 351 pp.


  • (With Pascal Pichonnaz) Editor, 'Control of Price Related Terms in Standard Form Contracts', in: Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law, Springer International 2019, XXXI + 758 pp.
  • (With Zahide Altunbaş Sancak) ‘Hisse Devir Sözleşmelerinde Sonuca Katılmalı Fiyat Düzenlemeleri (Earn-Out Klozları) – Mukayeseli Bir İncelenme’ [Earn-Out Clauses in Share Purchase Agreements – A Comparative Overview], Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi [Banking and Commercial Law Journal] 2019, pp. 97-133.
  • (With Yasemin Kabaklıoğlu Arslanyürek and Damla Taşkın) Editor, 'Milletlerarası Mal Satımına İlişkin Sözleşmeler Hakkında Birleşmiş Milletler Antlaşması (CISG) Danışma Kurulu Görüşleri' [CISG Advisory Council Opinions – Turkish translations], XII Levha Publishers 2019, XX + 547 pp.
  • (With Ece Baş Süzel and Elliott Geisinger) Editor, 'Uluslararası İnşaat Sözleşmelerinde Ortak Girişimler' [Joint Ventures in International Construction Contracts], XII Levha Publishers, İstanbul 2019, XXXVI + 345 pp.


  • Commentary of Arts 78-80 CISG, in: Kröll/Mistelis/Perales Viscasillas (eds.), UN-Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), C. H. Beck, Hart, Nomos Publishers, 2nd ed., 2018, pp. 1027-1089. (Link)
  • ‘Unlauterer Wettbewerb durch Nutzung von ungültigen AGB?’ [Unfair Competition by Using Unfair Standard Contract Terms?], in: Emmenegger/Hrubesch-Millauer/Krauskopf/Wolf (eds.), Brücken bauen, Festschrift für Thomas Koller, Stämpfli, Bern 2018, pp. 35-57.  (PDF, 11 MB)
  • ‘Ceza Koşulu – Götürü Tazminat – Sorumsuzluk Anlaşması: Hangisi? Karşılaştırmalı Hukuk Işığında Sözleşmelerin Yorumlanmasında Bazı Tutamak Noktaları’ [Penalty, Liquidated Damages or Exemption Clause? Interpretation Guidelines in Light of Comparative Law], in: Atamer/Baş Süzel/Geisinger (eds.), Uluslararası İnşaat Sözleşmelerinde Gecikme ve Temerrüt – Eski Bir Soruna Yeni Çözümler, XII Levha Publishing, İstanbul 2018, pp. 87-131.
  • (With Ece Baş Süzel and Elliott Geisinger) Editor, Uluslararası İnşaat Sözleşmelerinde Gecikme ve Temerrüt – Eski Bir Soruna Yeni Çözümler [Delays in International Construction Contracts – New Approaches to an Eternal Issue], XII Levha Publishing, İstanbul 2018, XXXIV + 326 pp.


  • (With Mirjam Eggen) ‘Reformbedürftigkeit des schweizerischen Kaufrechts – eine
    Übersicht’ [The Need to Reform the Swiss Sales Law - An Overview], ZBJV 2017, pp. 731-787.  (PDF, 525 KB)
  • ‘Why Judicial Control of Price Terms in Consumer Contracts Might Not Always be the Right Answer - Insights from Behavioural Law and Economics', 80(4) Modern Law Review 2017, pp. 624-660.   (PDF, 254 KB) 


  • 'Kredi ve Diğer Finansman Sözleşmelerinde Tüketicinin Korunması' [Consumer Protection in Credit and Other Financing Contracts], XII Levha Verlag, Istanbul 2016, XXVI + 306 pp.
  • (With Ece Baş and Elliott Geisinger) Editor, 'Uluslararası İnşaat Sözleşmeleri ve Uyuşmazlık Çözüm Yolları' [International Construction Contracts and Dispute Resolution], XII Levha Publishing, İstanbul 2016, XXVIII + 236 pp.
  • (With Damla Taşkın) ‘Transseksüellere İlişkin Hukuksal Düzenlemeler: Uygulama, Anayasa ve Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi’ne Aykırı Yönler ve Revizyon Teklifleri’ [The Legal Regime of Transsexuals: The Current Practice, Violation of the Turkish Constitution and of the European Convention on Human Rights - Proposals for a Revision], 42 Yargıtay Dergisi 2016 [Journal of the Court of Cassation], Issue 4, pp. 719-782.
  • (With Kerem Cem Sanlı) ‘Borçlar Kanunu’ndaki Faiz Serbestisini Sınırlayan Hükümlerin Uygulama Alanı: Hukuk, Ekonomi ve Davranışsal Ekonomi Perspektifinden Bir İnceleme’ [The Scope of Application of the Interest Rate Caps in the Code of Obligations: An Analysis from Law and Economics and Behavioural Economics Perspective], Yargıtay Dergisi 2016 [Journal of the Court of Cassation], Issue 3, pp. 395-460.


  • Commentary of Arts. 6.1.1 - 6.1.17 (Performance in General), in: Vogenauer (ed.),  Commentary on the Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts (2010), Oxford University Press, 2nd ed., 2015, pp. 715-805. (Link)
  • ‘Do We Really Need Special Provisions for Business-to-Consumer Sales?’, in: Schwenzer (ed.), 35 Years CISG and Beyond, Eleven Publishing, The Hague 2015, pp. 185-204.  (PDF, 325 KB)
  • ‘The Legal Status of Transsexual and Transgender Persons in Turkey’, in: Scherpe (ed.), The Legal Status of Transsexual and Transgender Persons, Intersentia 2015, pp. 313-331.
  • ‘6502 Sayılı Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun Çerçevesinde Fiyat Denetimi’ [Price Control under the new Consumer Protection Code No 6502], in: Inceoglu (ed.), Yeni Tüketici Hukuku Konferansı [Conference on the new Consumer Code], XII Levha Publishing, Istanbul 2015, pp. 7-41.


  • (With Ingeborg Schwenzer and Petra Butler) Herausgeberin, Current Issues in the CISG and Arbitration, Eleven Publishing, The Hague 2014, VIII + 298 pp.
  • ‘Die abstrakte Schadensberechnung und ihr Verhältnis zum Anspruch auf den entgangenen Gewinn am Beispiel von Artikel 74 und 76 CISG’ [Relation of market damages and lost profits under Art. 74 and 76 CISG], in: Mankowski/Wurmnest (eds,.), Festschrift für Ulrich Magnus, Sellier European Law Publishing, 2014, pp. 145-160.
  • ‘Interest Claim under the CISG: Uniform or Domestic Law Approach?’, in: Schwenzer/Atamer/Butler (eds.), Current Issues in the CISG and Arbitration, Eleven Publishing, The Hague 2014, pp. 275-298.  (PDF, 783 KB)
  • (With Ece Baş) ‘Avrupa Birliği Hukuku ile Karşılaştırmalı Olarak 6502 Sayılı Yeni
    Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun Uyarınca Satım Sözleşmesinde Ayıptan Doğan Sorumluluk’ [Non-Conformity and Liability of the Seller under the new Consumer Code in Comparison with EU Law], İstanbul Barosu Dergisi [Journal of the Istanbul Bar], Tüketici Hakları ve Rekabet Hukuku Özel Sayısı, 2014, pp. 19-60.


  • (With Gül Okutan Nilsson) 'Para Alacaklısının Geç Ödemelere Karşı Korunmasına İlişkin Yeni TK m. 1530 Düzenlemesi ve Uygulama Alanı' [Combating late payment in accordance with Art. 1530 of the new Turkish Commercial Code], Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi [Journal for Banking and Commercial Law] 2013, pp. 31-82.
  • 'Genel İşlem Koşulu mu Bireysel Pazarlıkla Kurulan Sözleşme mi? Tüketici ve Tacir İşlemleri Açısından Karşılaştırmalı Olarak Başvurabilecek Değerlendirme Kriterleri' [General terms and conditions or negotiated contracts? Criteria for evaluating B2B and B2C contracts], in: Kırca (ed.), Yenı̇ Türk Borçlar Kanunu ve Yenı̇ Türk Tı̇caret Kanunu Sempozyumu Makaleler, Teblı̇ğler, Vedat Verlag, İstanbul 2013, pp. 103-137.
  • (With M. Murat İnceoğlu) 'Das neue türkische Obligationenrecht vom 11. Januar 2011 – ein Überblick zu den wichtigsten Änderungen' [The new Turkish Code of Obligations of 11 January 2011 - an overview of the most important changes], ZBJV 2013, pp. 67-80. (Link)
  • Rapporteur for CISG-AC Opinion No. 14, Interest under Article 78 CISG, Adopted unanimously by the CISG Advisory Council following its 18th meeting, in Beijing, China on 21 and 22 October 2013. PDF (PDF, 1 MB)


  • (With Samim Ünan) 'Control of General and Special Conditions of Insurance Under Turkish Law with Special Regard to the Transparency Requirement', in: Ünan/Wandt (eds.), Transparency in Insurance Law, Istanbul 2012, pp. 65-88. (Link)
  • 'Yeni Türk Borçlar Kanunu Hükümleri Uyarınca Genel İşlem Koşullarının Denetlenmesi – TKHK m. 6 ve TTK m. 55, f.1, (f) ile Karşılaştırmalı Olarak' [Control of general terms and conditions under the new Turkish Code of Obligations - In comparison to Art. 6 of the Turkish Consumer Protection Law and Art. 55 of the Turkish Commercial Code], Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Enstitüsü Yayını [Publication of the Institute for Banking and Commercial Law], Ankara 2012, pp. 9-73.
  • 'Yeni Türk Borçlar Kanununda Taşınır Satımı Sözleşmesi' [The sales contract according to the new Turkish Code of Obligations], in: İnceoğlu (ed.), Türk Borçlar Kanunu Sempozyumu [Symposium on the new Turkish Code of Obligations], XII Levha Verlag, 2012, pp. 187-221
  •  ‚Performance and its Modalities‘ (S. 1266-1269), ‚Discharge by Performance and its Surrogates‘ (pp. 466-470), ‚Turkish Civil Code and Turkish Code of Obligations‘ (pp. 1701-1705), in: Basedow/Hopt/Zimmermann/Stier (eds.), The Max Planck Encyclopedia of European Private Law, Oxford University Press 2012.
  • (With M. Murat İnceoğlu) 'Satım Sözleşmesı̇nde Tüketı̇cı̇nı̇n Seçı̇mlı̇k Hakları ve Avrupa Bı̇rlı̇ğı̇ Hukuku ı̇le Uyumu Sorunu' [To what extent are the regulations on Turkish consumer sales contracts compatible with EU law], Publikation vom Verband der Automobilhändler [Publication from the Association of Automobile Dealers], May 2012, p. 75.


  • (With Stefan Grundmann) 'Financial Services, Financial Crisis and General European Contract Law - Failure and Challenges of Contracting' , Kluwer Law International 2011, XXIII + 324 pp.
  • (With Kerem Cem Sanlı) 'Hukuk ve Ekonomi Perspektifinden İmalatçının Kusursuz Sorumluluğuna Dair Bir Değerlendirme' [Economic analysis of the producer's causal liability], in:  İnceoğlu (eds.), Festschrift für Belgin Erdoğmuş [Commemorative publication for Belgin Erdoğmuş], Der Verlag 2011, pp. 769-813.
  • 'Availability of Remedies other than Damages in Case of Exemption According to Art. 79 CISG', in: Büchler/Müller-Chen (eds.), Private Law, National – Global – Comparative, Festschrift für Ingeborg Schwenzer [Commemorative publication for Ingeborg Schwenzer], Stämpfli Verlag 2011, pp. 83-98.  (PDF, 294 KB)
  • 'Haftung des gewerblichen Verkäufers für Schäden durch mangelhafte Ware: Ist das Verschuldenserfordernis sachgerecht?' [Liability of the commercial seller for damage caused by defective goods: Is the fault requirement appropriate?], ZSR 2011, pp. 449-478.
  • (Mit Stefan Grundmann) 'European Contract Law and Banking Contracts after the Financial Crisis - Challenges for Contracting and Market Transactions', in: Grundmann/Atamer (eds.), Financial Services, Financial Crisis and General European Contract Law - Failure and Challenges of Contracting, Kluwer Law International 2011, pp. 3-31. (Link)
  • 'Duty of Responsible Lending – Should the European Union Take Action?', in: Grundmann/Atamer (eds.), Financial Services, Financial Crisis and General European Contract Law - Failure and Challenges of Contracting , Kluwer Law International 2011, pp. 179-202. (Link)


  • (With Kerem Cem Sanlı) 'Kredi Kartı Faizleri ve Yıllık Ücretleri Örneğinde Fiyat Denetimi ve Sınırları' [Price control and its limits - the example of credit card interest rates and the annual fee for credit cards], Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi [Banking and Commercial Law Journal] 2010, pp. 17-60.
  • 'İfa Engelleri Hukukunu Yeniden Sistematize Etmeyi Düşünmek: Borca Aykırılık Türleri Yerine Yaptırımları Esas Alan Bir Sistematik' [Reflections on a new system of the law on the impairment of performance: from the ‘cause approach’ to the ‘remedy approach'], in: Rona Serozan’a Armağan [Commemorative publication for Rona Serozan], XII Levha Verlag 2010, pp. 217- 260.
  • 'Grenzen des Erfüllungsanspruchs im System des Leistungsstörungsrechts der PICC, PECL und des DCFR im Vergleich zum CISG – Probleme und Änderungsvorschläge' [Limits of the claim for fulfilment in the system of the PICC, PECL and the DCFR in comparison to the CISG - problems and proposed amendments], in: Grundmann/Haar/Merkt et al. (eds.), Festschrift für Klaus J. Hopt [Commemorative publication for Klaus J. Hopt], Walter de Gruyter Verlag 2010, pp. 3-25.


  • (With Klaus J. Hopt) 'Kompatibilität des türkischen und europäischen Wirtschaftsrechts - Der neue türkische HGB-Entwurf und benachbarte Rechtsgebiete' [Compatibility of Turkish and European Commercial Law - The New Turkish Commercial Code Draft and Neighbouring Fields of Law], Beiträge zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht Nr. 91 [Contributions to foreign and international private law No. 91], Mohr Siebeck Verlag, Tübingen 2009, XXVIII + 335 pp. (Link)
  • 'Erfüllung und ihre Surrogate, Leistungspflicht und Türkisches ZGB und OR' [Fulfilment and its surrogates, obligation to perform and Turkish ZGB and OR], in: Basedow/Hopt/Zimmermann (eds.), Handwörterbuch des Europäischen Privatrechts [Dictionary of European Private Law], Mohr Siebeck Verlag 2009, pp. 432-436; 1016-1020; 1505-1509. (Link)
  • (With Hans-W. Micklitz) 'Implementation of the EU Consumer Protection Directives in Turkey', 27 Penn State International Law Review 2009, pp. 551-607.  (PDF, 3 MB)
  • 'Third Persons’ Liability for Non-Conformity in Sales Contracts and Sellers’ Right of Redress in Turkey', in: Ebers/Janssen/Meyer (eds.), European Perspectives on Producers’ Liability - Direct Producers’ Liability and the Sellers’ Right of Redress, Sellier European Law Publishers 2009, pp. 579-600. (Link)
  • (With Hans-W. Micklitz) Juristisches Gutachten vorbereitet für die Kommission der Europäischen Union: 'Kompatibilität des EU Konsumentenrecht und des Konsumentenrechts der Türkisch-Zypriotischen Gemeinde' [Legal Opinion prepared for the Commission of the European Union: ‘Compatibility of EU Consumer Law and the Consumer Law of the Turkish Cypriot Community], 2009.


  • 'Milletlerarası Satım Hukuku – Milletlerarası Mal Satımına İlişkin Sözleşmeler Hakkında Birleşmiş Milletler Antlaşması (CISG)' [International Sales Law - The UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)], XII Levha Verlag, Istanbul 2008, XXIV + 374 pp. (2. ed. 2012).
  • 'Rezeption und Weiterentwicklung des Schweizerischen Zivilgesetzbuches in der Türkei' [Reception and further development of the Swiss Civil Code in Turkey], RabelsZ 2008, pp. 723-754.  (PDF, 2 MB)
  • 'Paket Tur Sözleşmelerine İlişkin TKHK m.6/C’nin Revizyonuna İlişkin Teklifler' [Proposed revisions to Article 6/C of the Consumer Protection Act on package travel contracts], Prof. Dr. Uğur Alacakaptan Armağanı [Commemorative publication for Uğur Alacakaptan], İstanbul Bilgi University Verlag 2008, pp. 87-101.


  • 'İnternet Bankacılığının Üçüncü Kişi Tarafından Hukuka Aykırı Şekilde Kullanılması Halinde Doğan Zararları Kim Taşıyacaktır?' [Who bears the risk in the event of misuse of online banking data?], Banka Hukuku ve Yargıtay Kararları Sempozyumu, [Symposium on banking law and Court of Cassation decisions relating to banking law] 2007, pp. 15-37.
  • 'Tüketici Hukukunun Gelişimi: Dünü, Bugünü ve Yarını' [Development of consumer law and future prospects], in: Ceylan (ed.), Tüketicinin Korunması Semineri, Yetkin Verlag, Ankara 2007, pp. 21-32.
  • 'Tüketici Satım Sözleşmelerine İlişkin TKHK m. 4 – Eleştiriler ve Revizyon Teklifleri', [Article 4 of the Consumer Protection Act on the Purchase of Consumer Goods – A Critical Analysis and Proposals for Revision] Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi [Journal of Banking and Commercial Law] 2007, pp. 81-108.
  • (With Hans-W. Micklitz) Juristisches Gutachten vorbereitet für das türkische Ministerium für Industrie und Handel: 'EU-Kompatibilität des türkischen Konsumentenrechts' [Legal opinion prepared for the Turkish Ministry of Industry and Trade: ‘EU compatibility of Turkish consumer law’], 2007


  • 'Revize Edilmiş Türk Borçlar Kanunu Tasarısı’na İlişkin Değerlendirme ve Teklifler'
    [Evaluation of and proposals for the revised draft of the new Turkish Code of Obligations], Hukuki Perspektifler Dergisi [legal perspectives] 2006, pp. 8-37.
  • 'Sözleşme Boşluklarının Hakim Tarafından Doldurulması Sorununa İlişkin Bazı Düşünceler' [Thoughts on the judicial contract amendment], İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası [Law Review of the University of İstanbul] 2006, pp. 171-191.


  • 'Uluslararası Satım Sözleşmelerine İlişkin Birleşmiş Milletler Antlaşması (CISG) Uyarınca Satıcının Yükümlülükleri ve Sözleşmeye Aykırılığın Sonuçları' [Obligations of the seller and the consequences of breach of contract under the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)], Beta Verlag, İstanbul 2005, XLIV + 546 pp. PDF (PDF, 1 MB)
  • 'TKHK m.9/A ve Mesafeli Sözleşmelere İlişkin Uygulama Usul ve Esasları Hakkında Yönetmelik'in AB Mevzuatı İle Uyumuna İlişkin Görüş ve Değişiklik Önerileri' [EU law conformity of Art. 9/A of the Consumer Protection Act and the regulation for protection in distance selling], Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi [Banking and Commercial Law Journal] 2005, pp. 177-199.
  • 'Die autonome Umsetzung der Verbrauchsgüterkaufrichtlinie 1999/44/EG in der Türkei - zugleich ein Beitrag zum Stand des Verbraucherschutzes in der Türkei' [The autonomous implementation of the Consumer Sales Directive 1999/44/EC in Turkey – also a contribution to the state of consumer protection in Turkey], ZEuP 2005, pp. 566-595.
  • 'The Legal Status of Transsexuals in Turkey', 8(1) International Journal of Transgenderism 2005, The Haworth Press, Inc., pp. 65-71.  (PDF, 781 KB)


  • 'İnternet ve Hukuk' [Internet and Law], Istanbul Bilgi University Verlag, Istanbul 2004, XVI + 822 pp.
  • 'Länderbericht Türkei' [Country Report Turkey], in: Basedow/Scherpe (eds.), Transsexualität, Staatsangehörigkeit und internationales Privatrecht - Entwicklungen in Europa, Amerika und Australien [Transsexuality, nationality and private international law – developments in Europe, America and Australia], Mohr Siebeck 2004, pp. 74-79.
  • 'Genel İşlem Şartlarının Denetiminde Yeni Açılımlar: Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun m.6, Tüketici Sözleşmelerindeki Haksız Şartlar Hakkında Yönetmelik ve Borçlar Kanunu Taslağı m. 18a-f' [New perspectives for protection against general terms and conditions: the new Art. 6 of the Consumer Protection Act, the Regulation on protection against unfair terms and the draft of the Swiss Code of Obligations, Art. 18 a-f], Commemorative publication for Necip Kocayusufpaşaoğlu, Seçkin Verlag, Ankara 2004, pp. 291-331


  • 'Kredi Kartının Üçüncü Kişi Tarafından Hukuka Aykırı Şekilde Kullanılması Halinde Doğan Zararları Kim Taşıyacaktır?' [Who bears the risk of credit card misuse?], in: Commemorative publication for Ünal Tekinalp, Vol. I, Beta Verlag, İstanbul 2003, pp. 993-1031.
  • 'Die Gleichbehandlung von Männern und Frauen im türkischen Arbeits- und Sozialrecht im Vergleich zum Recht der Europäischen Union' [The equal treatment of men and women in Turkish labour and social security law compared to European Union law], in: Maydell/Ekonomi/Haenlein (eds.), Der Einfluss des internationalen und supranationalen Rechts auf das türkische und das deutsche Arbeits- und Sozialrecht und die Bedeutung des Rechtsvergleichs [The influence of international and supranational law on Turkish and German labour and social security law and the importance of comparative law], Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden 2003, pp. 173-190.


  • 'Sözleşme Özgürlüğünün Sınırlandırılması Sorunu Çerçevesinde Genel İşlem Şartlarının Denetlenmesi' [Control of general terms and conditions and restriction of freedom of contract], Beta Verlag, 2nd ed., İstanbul 2001 (1st ed., Ist. 1999), XL + 321 pp. PDF (PDF, 1 MB)
  • 'Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanunda Değişiklik Öngören Tasarının Sözleşme Hukukunun Bazı Yönleri Açısından Avrupa Birliği Mevzuatıyla Karşılaştırılması' [A comparative analysis: EU law and the draft amendment to the Consumer Protection Act], Milletlerarası Hukuk ve Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Bülteni [Public and Private International Law Bulletin] 2001, pp. 1-32.
  • 'Yapımcının Sorumluluğu, Kapıönü İşlemleri ve Tüketici Sözleşmelerinde Yer Alan Dürüstlük Kuralına Aykırı Hükümler' [Product liability, unfair terms in consumer contracts and distance selling], in: Tekinalp (eds.), Türk Hukukunun Avrupa Birliği Hukukuna Uyumu – Acquis Communautaire’in Alınması – Açıklamalar, Değerlendirmeler, Öneriler [Harmonisation of Turkish law with EU law – adoption of the acquis communautaire], Research project of Istanbul University, Istanbul 2001, pp. 379-391 and 419-427.
  • 'Tacirlerin Genel İşlem Şartlarına Karşı Korunması Yolları' [Protection of entrepreneurs against general terms and conditions], Publication of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, Nr. 2001-08, Istanbul 2001, p. 54


  • 'Avrupa Birliğinin Tüketici, Çevre ve Sosyal Politikaları' [The European Union's consumer, environmental and social policy], in: Tekinalp/Tekinalp (Hrsg.), Avrupa Birliği Hukuku [Law of the European Union], Beta Verlag, 2nd ed., İstanbul 2000, XLVII + 895, pp. 596-662.
  • 'Satım Sözleşmesinde Hasarın İntikal Anı - Hukuk Tarihi, Karşılaştırmalı Hukuk ve Milletlerarası Hukuk Açısından BK m.183’ün Farklı Okunması Gereği' [Transfer of risk in the sales contract: On the necessity of a new interpretation of Art. 183 of the Turkish Code of Obligations in the light of legal history, comparative law and international law], Prof. Dr. Kemal Oğuzman'a Armağan [Commemorative publication Kemal Oğuzman], Beta Verlag, İstanbul 2000, pp. 131-167.
  • 'Ölüden Organ Naklinin Beraberinde Getirdiği Bazı Hukuki Sorunlar' [Juristische Probleme im Zusammenhang mit Organtransplantation von Verstorbenen], Milletlerarası Hukuk ve Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Bülteni [Public and Private International Law Bulletin] 1999-2000, S. 115-159.
  • 'Üçüncü Kişinin Uğradığı Zararların Sözleşmesel Sorumluluk Kurallarına Göre Tazmini' [Ersatz von Drittschäden nach vertragsrechtlichen Bestimmungen], Yargıtay Dergisi [Zeitschrift des Kassationshofs] 1999-2000, S. 99-132.