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Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät Lehrstuhl Uhlmann

Comparative Administrative Law

Important Notice

  • A presentation date has been added on Monday, May 19 2025. Please refer to the programme for more information.
  • Students who wish to attend the Internet Law course given by the Prof. Thouvenin's Chair and the Comparative Administrative Law course must notify in advance both chairs in order to attend the presentation days.

General information

Course no.


Time Tuesday, 08.00-09.54, every week (with exception)

Lectures: KO2-F-153


  • 19.05.2025 : tba
  • 21.05.2025 : tba
  • 22.05.2025: tba
  • 23.05.2025: tba
General Description

Comparative analysis of the following topics of administrative law:

  1. Introduction and Sources
  2. Private - Public Law
  3. Administrative Action and Administrative Discretion
  4. Administrative Law Principles: Legality, Public Interest and Proportionnality
  5. Legitimate Expectations and Standards of Good Administration

The course look into these rules from a comparative perspective. Common problems that may arise in the administrative context are illustrated by cases and other materials. Students are asked to comment on theses cases and compare them - if possible - to their own legal background.

Podcasts There will be no live transmissions or podcast for this course.
Course Materials The lecture is based on a reader. Slides will be available on this website at least a week before class.
Examination The course is divided in two parts. At the beginning of the semester, students will be introduced to the typical topics of administrative law and discuss cases. In the second part, they will present a case from their home country (or from elsewhere) and discuss it in class (likewise the earlier cases). This will be the exam. Participation in class is mandatory (for both the lectures and the presentations days) and will be taken into account for the final mark (33 %).
Programme CAL Programme 2025 (updated) (PDF, 100 KB)
Reader CAL Reader (PDF, 2 MB)
Questions ?

Please contactMs Lucile Pasche



18.02.2025 Introduction and Sources (PDF, 407 KB)
25.02.2025 Public - Private (PDF, 1 MB)
04.03.2025 No Lecture
11.03.2025 Administrative Action and Administrative Discretion (PDF, 629 KB)
18.03.2025 Principles
25.03.2025 Legitimate Expectations and Good Administration
01.04.2025 Reserve
21.04.2025 Deadline for students' proposals (case and topic)
19.05.2025 ADDED DATE : Student's Presentations
21.05.2025 Students' Presentations
22.05.2035 Students' Presentations
23.05.2025 Students' Presentations


Weiterführende Informationen

Introduction to Swiss Law

Not mandatory: Students interested in an introduction to Swiss law can refer to the book : Thommen Marc, Introduction to Swiss Law, 2nd edition, Zurich 2022, open access