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Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät Prof. Dr. iur. Alice Margaria

Who is the Court for?

Bringing the Human (back) into Human Rights Research

Principal Investigator for the Project "Who is the Court for? Bringing the Human (back) into Human Rights Research"

Co-PI: Dr. Cathérine Van de Graaf, Academy of European Human Rights Protection, University of Cologne

Period: September 2023 – August 2025

Project abstract in English (PDF, 46 KB) (PDF, 46 KB)

Abstract (ENG)

Despite being considered the most successful system of human rights protection worldwide, the European Court of Human Rights is often criticised for shying away from its responsibilities when faced with complex questions about the accommodation of religious and cultural diversity in its member states. Critics say the Court too quickly and easily resorts to the doctrine of the margin of appreciation, which is perceived as compromising the counter- majoritarian aspirations of human rights law, to the detriment of minorities. Doing so, moreover, runs counter to the Court’s stated duty to provide individual relief to applicants, and to its presumed interest in the meanings attached to human rights by their intended beneficiaries. By giving voice to a variety of actors involved in litigation, the envisaged analysis will bring members of religious and cultural minorities back into the frame and ask them if/how justice has been done. In so doing, this project will ascertain what the Court is and does and how that converges, diverges and interweaves with what the Court ought to be and do vis-à-vis diversity claims brought by these minorities. This empirical investigation will be carried out by combining doctrinal analysis of documents with the in-depth reconstruction of ‘information-rich cases’ from their origin to the present-day, drawing on the ethnographic extended case method. Through this innovative methodology, the project will not only expose and disentangle the two-way relationship between the Court’s approach to diversity, on the one hand, and diversity as experienced on the ground, on the other hand, but also identify the potential and possibilities for the Court to be(come) an institution for delivering genuine justice to religious and cultural minorities.


Public Lecture: Balancing the Right to Know One's Origins with Women's Anonymity in the ECtHR Case Law

10 April 2025, Lecture by María Elósegui , Judge of the European Court of Human Rights

Please find the flyer here (PDF, 275 KB)

Public Lecture: Motherhood as a Choice? Reflections on Abortion and Surrogacy in the Case-law of the ECtHR

28 October 2024, Lecture by Ivana Jelić, Judge and President of Section I of the European Court of Human Rights

Please find the flyer here (PDF, 275 KB)

"Judges’ Responsibility for the ‘Visible’ and the ‘Invisible’ in Front of the Court"

5 September 2024, Keynote Conversation by Kateřina Šimáčková (judge at the European Court of Human Rights) and Angelika Nuβberger (Director, Academy of European Rights Protection, University of Cologne, former judge and Vice-President of the European Court of Human Rights). 

Moderation by Prof. Alice Margaria, UZH

Please find the flyer here (PDF, 432 KB)





A condensed version of this conversation is available at

Workshop: Exploring the "Human" of the European Court of Human Rights

5 – 6 September 2024

Please download the provisional program here (PDF, 332 KB)

  • Workshop Sept 1

    Thursday 5 September

  • Workshop Sept 2

    Friday 6 September