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Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät Lehrstuhl Glaser

Irene Rossetti

Irene Rossetti, PhD cand

  • 2015-2016

Irene Rossetti is a PhD candidate in Territorial Planning and Public Policies at IUAV (University of Venice, Italy). For two years supported by the program “Torno Subito” of the Region of Lazio (Italy), she worked in France in a civic engagement office, developing the field of consultancy in public participation for administrations. Subsequently she worked as a consultant for a local administration of a district in Rome (Italy), coordinating a project of participatory strategic planning. The aim of her PhD research is to study collaborative approaches in public policies, as practices (and professionals) of community planning and local democracy in France, Italy and Switzerland, in relation with history, habits and culture and the legislative and regulatory system.