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Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät Lehrstuhl Babusiaux

Comparative Private Law

V-Nr. 0717



14:00 - 15:45




The course held by Prof. Alonso, Babusiaux, Fiocchi, Fragu and Hadžimanović, will introduce students to the methods of Comparative Private Law. In doing so, the course will present topical examples of Comparative Private Law in the field of Contract Law, Property Law, and Consumer Protection Law.

All materials (powerpoint slides, further reading) will be published on olat (depending on the respective professor’s choice before or after the course).


The course will be held in presence only. Please note, that there will be no podcasting in order to encourage attendance of class. Should the pandemic situation require it, the teaching will switch to Zoom. Please make sure to check our website regularly!


Book to accompany the course: 

James Gordley/Hao Jiang/Arthur Taylor von Mehren, An Introduction to the Comparative Study of Private Law. Readings, Cases, Materials, Cambridge University Press, February 2021.


Mobility students: oral examination, please refer to Lehrstuhl Alonso

Regular students: oral examination organized by Lehrstuhl Babusiaux (in collaboration with different professors)


Date Subject Lecturer Material


Introd.: Def., Methods etc. Alonso

Slides (PDF, 1 MB)

Reading Samuel (PDF, 1 MB)

Reading Zweigert (PDF, 2 MB)

26.9. Introd.: Legal Transplants Alonso (via ZoomLogin-Details (PDF, 70 KB))

Slides (PDF, 1 MB)

Reading Müller-Chen (PDF, 2 MB)

3.10. Introd.: Legal Families Alonso

Slides (PDF, 8 MB)

Reading Reimann (PDF, 5 MB)

Reading Siems (PDF, 2 MB)

10.10. English Law Hadžimanović

NEW Skript English Law (PDF, 330 KB)

Article Understanding PL (PDF, 252 KB)

Case English Law (PDF, 1000 KB)


English Law Hadžimanović Case Addis v. Gramophone (PDF, 70 KB)


English Law Hadžimanović  
31.10. German Law Babusiaux

Slides (PDF, 1 MB)

Markesinis/Unberath (PDF, 127 MB)

BGB § 823 Dannemann (PDF, 6 MB)


German Law Babusiaux Slides (PDF, 619 KB)
14.11. On the reception of Western law in Japan

Special: Prof. Yu Awatsuji 


Slides (PDF, 3 MB)
21.11. French Law Fragu Slides (PDF, 7 MB)
28.11. French Law Fragu  


French Law Fragu  
12.12. Customary Law Fiocchi

Slides (PDF, 850 KB)

Reading (PDF, 402 KB)


Customary Law Fiocchi

Slides (PDF, 769 KB)

Reading (PDF, 212 KB)


Weiterführende Informationen

Keine OLAT-Gruppe im HS23

Letztes Jahr (HS22) gab es eine OLAT-Gruppe (dort wurde das zusätzliche Material wie z. B. Readings bereitgestellt). Der Link zu dieser OLAT-Gruppe war irrtümlicherweise auf der CPL-Seite vom HS23 noch drauf. Diese OLAT-Gruppe gilt aber nicht für dieses Semester, alle Materialien werden auf der Lehrstuhl-Website bereitgestellt.