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Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät Lehrstuhl Alonso

History of European Legal Science

Gennaro Bologna, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

(V-Nr. 1161)

History of European Legal Science

The foundations of today's private law were largely laid from the twelfth century onwards within the "learned law" tradition, when the young European Universities, like Bologna, began to study the decisions of the ancient Roman jurists and Emperors, as compiled by Justinian in the later called Corpus Iuris Civilis. The legal concepts, structures and methods developed in a scholarly environment by these learned lawyers shaped also the legal practice ("reception") in most of Europe ("ius commune"). Through multiple incarnations and reinventions, this Romanistic tradition managed to survive in one form or another the tectonic shifts that marked the political history of Europe up to the modern era and, starting at the end of the 18th century, provided the basic material for the creation of the national codifications of civil law and for legal dogmatics.

The introductory lectures will be held by Prof. Alonso on Wednesdays, 8:00–9:45 according to the following schedule. They will take place in presence and will not be recorded on podcast.

In addition to the lectures, tutoring sessions will be offered as aid for the conception of the students' final papers and presentations. These tutorings will take place via Zoom. Further information will be given in due course.




Historical Introduction: Roman Law until Late Antiquity


Historical Introduction: Roman Law until Late Antiquity

HELS Slides 1 (PDF, 5 MB)


Historical Introduction: Middle Ages
HELS Slides 2 (PDF, 3 MB)


Historical Introduction: The Modern Era


Historical Introduction: The Modern Era
26.03.2025 The development of the innominate contract in Swiss private law (Anna Elisa Stauffer, MLaw, LL.M. King's College)


Presentation of Students' Papers


Presentation of Students' Papers


No lecture

Wednesday, 08:00–09:45, Room RAI-J-031
The Course highlights the historical dimension of European private law and introduces the deep significance of historical development for a better understanding of the dogmatics of modern private law. Within the course, the students will receive an exemplary introduction into topics and sources relevant for the historical development of private law. The course aims at enabling them to independently understand and present the dogmatic development of a legal institution from its historical roots to our modern legal systems. 
Certificate of achievement

The certificate of achievement consists of regular active participation in the course and the writing of a 15-page paper (excl. titlepage, bibliography, list of abbreviations etc.) together with its oral presentation on May 14th/May 21th 2025.

For the formalities of the paper the stylesheet of the chair is relevant.