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Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät Center for Islamic and Middle Eastern Legal Studies

New Delhi, 31 July 2019

Indian parliament criminalizes Muslim practice of instant divorce

India's parliament has passed a bill criminalizing the controversial Muslim practice of instant divorce -- "triple talaq" -- and making it punishable with up to three years in prison. The age-old practice, allows a Muslim man to divorce his wife by simply saying the Arabic word for divorce, "talaq", three times.

India's Upper House of Parliament passed the bill on Tuesday -- the third time the bill has come up for a vote in the upper house. In 2017, India's Supreme Court found that the controversial divorce practice was unconstitutional. The bill becomes a law once it is signed by the president, considered a formality.

Read "CNN: Indian parliament criminalizes Muslim practice of instant divorce"

Read more "Qantara: Triple talaq ban divides Muslims"
