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Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät Center for Islamic and Middle Eastern Legal Studies

Center for Islamic and Middle Eastern Legal Studies (CIMELS)

CIMELS is currently not active. We thank you for your understanding.

c/o Chair of Private and Comparative Law Prof. Dr. iur. Andrea Büchler, Institute of Law, University of Zurich

Rämistrasse 74/6, 8001 Zurich, Switzerland


Recent Publications

  • Fostering and Adoption in Islamic Law - Under Consideration of the Laws of Morocco, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates (2018), by Prof. Dr. Andrea Büchler and Dr. Eveline Schneider Kayasseh
  • Chapter 7: Legal Systems Influenced by Religion, in: Müller-Chen Markus/Müller Christoph/Widmer-Lüchinger Corinne, Comparative Private Law (2015), by Dr. Eveline Schneider Kayassseh and Patrick Brozzo
  • Judicial encounters with Islamic and Middle Eastern family law in Switzerland for a private international law perspective - marriage and divorce (2014), by Prof. Dr. Andrea Büchler
  • Islamisches Familienrecht und ordre public in Europa. Oder: welches sind die fundamentalen Grundsätze europäischer Familienrechtsordnungen? (2014), by Prof. Dr. Andrea Büchler
  • Medically Assisted Reproduction in Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates: Sunni and Shia Legal Debates (2014), by Prof. Dr. Andrea Büchler and Dr. Eveline Schneider Kayasseh
  • Organ Transplantation in the United Arab Emirates: Legal, Ethical and Historical Aspects (2014), by Dr. Eveline Schneider Kayasseh

Seminar in Morocco

Under the direction of Prof. Andrea Büchler, the seminar "Change and Persistence: Family and Inheritance Laws of the Islamic World" took place in Marrakesh between 20 October and 25 October 2015. more

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