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Faculty of Law Chair Loacker

Spring semester

Overview Lectures Autumn semester


Activation code spring semester

For all parts of the course "Private International Law II (BLaw)", i.e. for the lecture as well as the exercise part, the activation code received in the autumn semester 2024 remains valid unchanged.

For the course "Liability and Insurance Law", the activation code will be announced directly in the lecture.

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Questions during the semester

For capacity reasons, questions about our courses can only be asked for the current semester in which the respective course is offered.


Questions about the lectures of spring semester will therefore be answered from February until the end of May.

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Private International Law (BLaw)

C-Nr:    3677; 3678
Study programme:     Bachelor of Law
Part of the module: Private International Law

Prof Dr Leander D. Loacker, MPhil


19th February 2025

Time: Wednesday, 10.15-12.00 p.m.
Implementation mode: Presence only
Room: tbd
Teaching materials: All documents (slide sets, further materials etc.) will be made available on Access requires an activation code, which you have already received in the autumn semester and which remains valid. If you did not attend the first part of the course, please contact the chair.

The course "IPR 2" deals with (further) issues of transnational private and commercial law. The focus is on the Vienna Sales Convention (CISG); reference is also made to the PICC and the Incoterms®.

The first half of the semester is designed purely as a lecture; integrated exercises take place in the second half of the semester. In these, the knowledge previously acquired in the lectures is to be applied on the basis of concrete cases.


Text edition on international private law (including the corresponding international treaties) of your choice, e.g. Loacker, IPR/IZVR, Stämpfli Verlag.

Likewise, a textbook on the subject of the lecture, e.g. Schnyder, Internationales Privat- und Zivilverfahrensrecht, Schulthess Verlag.

Exam: Written exam in spring semester 2025

Tort and Insurance Law (MLaw)

C-Nr:    1139
Study programme:                                 Master of Law

Prof Dr Leander D. Loacker, MPhil

RA Markus Borle

Begin: 20th February 2024
Time: Thursday, 12.15-13.45 p.m.
Implementation mode: Presence only
Room: tbd
Lecture notes: All documents (slide sets, further materials etc.) will be made available on Access requires an activation code, which you will receive in the first lecture. Access is not required beforehand.

Selected issues from the (practically particularly important) cross-sectional subject of "liability and insurance". In separate sections, questions of both substantive liability and insurance coverage of claims are discussed. In this way, the aim is to provide as holistic a perspective as possible - from the substantiation of claims to detailed questions of calculation and assessment to the ultimate payment of damages, namely by liability insurers.

Previous knowledge of general insurance law is an advantage but not essential.


Will be announced at the course.

Exam: written exam in spring semester 2025

Private International Law (MLaw)

C-Nr:    1230
Study programme:     Master of Law
Instructors:                                  Prof Dr Pascal Grolimund, LLM
Begin: 19th February 2025
Time: Wednesday, 14.00-15.45 p.m.
Implementation mode: Presence only
Room: tbd

Closely coordinated with the main IPR course at BLaw level, the MLaw level discusses issues of the Special Part. Specifically, the focus is on international family, property and inheritance law. The knowledge gained there will be practised in particular on the basis of practical cases from the field.

Prior knowledge of IPR is an advantage, but not mandatory, as long as the general part of IPR is learned in self-study during the lecture. The textbook by Schnyder/Liatowitsch or the Nutshell by Grolimund/Schnyder are suitable for this purpose. Both are available in the library and in bookstores at any time.


Will be announced in the course.

Teaching materials: Will be announced in the course.
Exam: For a manageable number (20) of fixed registrations oral exam, otherwise written exam