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Faculty of Law Lehrstuhl Fiocchi

About the person



Doctorate in Law (History of European Legal Culture) at the Università degli Studi di Genova: PhD thesis “La fortuna del Droit des gens di Emer de Vattel nel XIX secolo” (distinction of excellence)


Obtaining the licence to practise law (Milan Court of Appeal)

2003 - 2008

Law studies at the Università degli Studi di Milano (grade: 110/110, summa cum laude)

1998 - 2003

Liceo Classico Statale Carlo Alberto, Novara


Recognised academic teaching qualification

2023                                                                                                                                                           CH - Completion of the habilitation procedure at the University of Zurich, granting of the venia legendi for legal history, contemporary legal history, history of international law as well as comparative law  


ITA –Abilitazione scientifica Nazionale Professorin/Professor (Professore Associato, II fascia), 12/H2 Legal History of the Middle Ages and Modern Age/Storia del diritto medievale e moderno  

Academic and professional career

Since 1. September 2023 Associate Professor ad personam for legal history, contemporary legal history, history of international law and comparative law, Faculty of Law, University of Zurich

April 2017 - Aug 2023

Assistant Professor of Legal History, Faculty of Law, University of Zurich

February/March 2017

Senior Assistant of Legal History, Faculty of Law, University of Zurich

November 2016

Postdoctoral fellowship of the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt am Main

September/October 2016

Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow at the Faculty of Law, University of Bergen, Bergen

May/July 2016

Postdoctoral fellowship of the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt am Main


Research stay at the Faculty of Law, University of Oxford

May, September/October 2015

Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow at the Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights, University of Helsinki

July 2014-June 2016

Postdoctoral Researcher at the Faculty of Law of the Università degli Studi di Milano

February/March 2014

Postdoctoral fellowship of the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt am Main

April/July 2013

Postdoctoral Researcher at the Faculty of Law of the Università degli Studi di Trieste

7. April-14. April 2013

Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (Oslo), Project: “The Transformation of International Law and Norwegian Sovereignty in 1814”

January 2012

Doctoral fellowship of the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History

January/February 2011

Doctoral fellowship of the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History



June 2014

Postdoctoral scholarship, “Fondazione Fratelli Giuseppe-Vitaliano, Tullio e Mario Confalonieri”, Mailand

Research projects

Since 2020                      

Co-founder of the project “Political Economy and Law since the 18th Century: Theoretical Debates and Practical Consequences” together with C. Bartlett (Miami University)

Since 2020

Co-founder of the project “From Rules of International Treaties to Binding Nature of Contractual Terms. A Historical and Comparative Study” together with S. Tarozzi (Bologna University)

Since 2019

Co-founder of the project “Entangled International and National Legal Orders in the Long 19th Century” together with F. Dhondt (VUB/Antwerp) and R. Cahen (VUB-Marie Curie Pegasus/FWO)

Since 2018

Co-founder of the project “Historical Perspectives on Property and Land Law -An Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Methods and Research Approaches” together with S. Tarozzi (Bologna University)

Since 2018

Co-founder of the project “Illuminismo di Frontiera” together with F. di Chiara (Palermo University), G. Demarchi (University of Milan) and B. Rodriguez Arrocha (University of “La Laguna”, Tenerife)

Since 2018

Participation in the project “2021: 50 Jahre politische Rechte” with S. Hotz and Z. Küng (FRI- Swiss Institute for Feminist Jurisprudence and Gender Law)

Since 2017

Participation in the project “The Rise of the International” with Prof. R. Devetak and Prof. T. Dunne (University of Queensland)

Since 2017

Co-founder of the project “L’insegnamento del diritto naturale e delle genti nella penisola italiana tra Sette e Ottocento” together with Prof. G. Silvestrini (Università del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro”, Vercelli)

Since 2016

Participation in the project “Natural Law 1625-1850. An International Research Project” with Prof. Dr. K. Haakonssen, Dr. F. Grunert and Prof. Dr. D. Klippel


Co-founder of the project “Natural Law and Law of Nations across the Ocean: Domingo Muriel and his Rudimenta Iuris Naturae et Gentium (1791)” together with O.R. Moutin, Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt am Main


Participation in the project “Progetto Lampedusa”, National Bar Council, School of Law, Rome/Lampedusa


Co-founder of the project “International Law and (cultural) Translation in the 19th Century” together with N. Keller-Kemmerer, Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt am Main


Participation in the project “Rilevanza costituzionale dei diritti storici: Libro fondiario e diritti forali. Una comparazione tra Italia e Spagna”, hosted by D. Rossi, Department of Legal Sciences, Language, Interpretation and Translation, University of Trieste


Participation in the project “Il territorio adriatico- Orizzonte storico, geografia del paesaggio, aspetti economici, giuridici e artistici”, hosted by G. de Vergottini and D. Rossi, Department of Legal, Language, Interpretation and Translation, University of Trieste

January/February 2011 and

January 2012

Participation in the project “Das Völkerrecht und seine Wissenschaft, 1789-1914”, hosted by M. Vec, Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt am Main

Award for distinction in teaching

2020 - Spring semester

Teacher of the Hour, Universität Zürich      

Ongoing Lectures

Since 2022 Teoria e pratica del diritto, Lecture (Bachelor), Faculty of Law, University of Zurich
Since FS 2021 Contemporary History of Law (Englisch), Lecture (Master), Faculty of Law, University of St. Gallen
Since 2020 Customary Law and Islamic Law, part of the lecture Comparative Private Law (Prof. Ulrike Babusiaux, Prof. Helmut Heiss), Faculty of Law, University of Zurich
Since 2019 History of Common Law, Property Law and Trust Law, co-responsible of the course “Common Law Principles” (together with Prof. K. Alexander), Faculty of Law, University of Zurich

Since 2017

Juristische Zeitgeschichte/Contemporary History of Law, a course in English (Master level), Faculty of Law, University of Zurich

Since 2017

Privatrechtsgeschichte, a course in German (Master level), Faculty of Law, University of Zurich

Since 2017

Swiss Legal History – II Part, part of the lecture “Introduction to Swiss Law”, a course in English, Faculty of Law, University of Zurich

Since 2017

Zürcher Ausspracheabende für Rechtsgeschichte, member of the course, Faculty of Law, University of Zurich

Past Lectures

FS 2023 History of Private Law, Lecture (Bachelor), Faculty of Law, University of St. Gallen
9. Mai 2022 Lo Stato nell’Ottocento: esperienze giuridiche costituzionali a confronto, la Svizzera, Seminar within the lecture “Storia del diritto” by Prof. Rocco Giurato, Università della Calabria
28. April 2022

Expanding Narratives in the History of International Law, within the lecture series on disciplines in gender studies, Faculty of Law,  University of Zurich

10. März 2022
Hugo Grotius: the law of nations and the law of war, seminar within the lecture “Roman Law: Jurists, Corporations, and Empire from Antiquity to the Present” von Dr. C. Barlett, University of Miami
2021- Spring semester Contemporary History of Law, a course in English (Master level), Faculty of Law, University of St. Gallen

12 May 2021


Il nemico ingiusto tra Sette e Ottocento, seminar within the lecture “Lo Stato moderno”, Prof. G. de Giudici, Faculty of Law, University of Cagliari

21 February 2021

Emer de Vattel’s Droit des gens between International and Constitutional Law (18th and 19th Century), seminar within the lecture “History of European Constitutionalism”, Prof. A. Trampus, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice

14 October 2020

Dealing with the Colonial Past: Must Statues fall? seminar within the lecture “Legal protection of cultural heritage”, Prof. S. Gialdroni, Faculty of Law, Roma Tre University

13 October 2020

Protection of cultural heritage and the history of international law, seminar within the lecture “Legal protection of cultural heritage”, Prof. S. Gialdroni, Faculty of Law, Roma Tre University

5 May 2020

Dalla Conferenza di Berlino (1884-1885) all’età postcoloniale, seminar within the lecture “Lo Stato moderno”, Prof. G. de Giudici, Faculty of Law, University of Cagliari

4 May 2020

«Progettare una pace perpetua» da Immanuel Kant alla nascita dell’ONU, seminar within the lecture “Lo Stato moderno” by Prof. G. de Giudici, Faculty of Law, University of Cagliari

10 December 2018 The Legacy of Emer de Vattel’s ‘Law of Nations’ (1758-2018), lecture at the University of Warsaw
29 November 2018 Constitutional Law and International Law during the Italian Unification, lecture within the course “Rechtsgeschiedenis” Prof. Frederik Dhondt, University of Antwerp
12 November 2018 La Scuola di Salamanca, seminar within the lecture “Storia del diritto medioevale e moderno”, Prof. G. de Giudici, Faculty of Law, University of Cagliari

16 April 2018


I progetti di pace tra Sette e Ottocento, seminar within the lecture “Lo Stato moderno”, Prof. G. de Giudici, Faculty of Law, University of Cagliari

31 July 2017

History of International Law, lecture in English in the framework of the “Max-Planck Summer Academy for Legal History 2017 «Conflict Regulation»”, 24 July-4 August 2017, Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt am Main

10 and 18 April 2017

Storia del libro tavolare e della trascrizione (secc. XVIII-XX) lecture in Italian (Master level), part of the course “Diritto della pubblicità immobiliare” (Prof. F. Padovini), Faculty of Law, University of Trieste

2016 – Fall semester

Esercitazioni in Storia del diritto, (“contratto di insegnamento integrativo”) within the course “Storia del diritto” (Prof. L. Sinisi), Faculty of Law, Libera Università degli Studi Sociali (LUISS), Rome

2016 – Spring semester

Storia del diritto medievale e moderno, seminar in Italian (Bachelor level), part of the course “Storia del diritto medievale e moderno (mod. I)” with Prof. D. Rossi, Faculty of Law, University of Trieste

2016 – Spring semester

Storia del diritto internazionale nell’Ottocento, seminar in Italian (Master level), part of the course “Storia e tecnica delle costituzioni e delle codificazioni moderne” with Prof. D. Rossi, Faculty of Law, University of Trieste


Storia della codificazione (Master level), Teaching Assistant in the course with Prof. A. Monti, Faculty of Law, Luigi Bocconi Commercial University, Milan (Mailand)

2015 – Spring semester

Storia della dottrina della Guerra giusta (XVI-XX), seminar in Italian (Master level), part of the course “Storia e tecnica delle costituzioni e delle codificazioni moderne” with Prof. D. Rossi, Faculty of Law, University of Trieste

2015 – Spring semester

Storia del diritto medievale e moderno, seminar in Italian (Bachelor level), part of the course “Storia del diritto medievale e moderno (mod. I)” with Prof. D. Rossi, Faculty of Law, University of Trieste


Storia della codificazione (Master level), Teaching Assistant in the course with Prof. A. Monti, Faculty of Law, Luigi Bocconi Commercial University, Milan (Mailand)

29 September 2015

From just war to the law of war: de Vitoria, Gentili, Pufendorf, Vattel, lecture in English (Master level), part of the course “Ius ad Bellum: Theories of Just War” with Dr. Liisi Keedus, Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki

2014 – Spring semester

Storia del libro fondiario e del sistema tavolare nei secoli XVIII-XX, seminar in Italian (Master level), part of the course “Diritto della pubblicità immobiliare” with Prof. F. Padovini, Faculty of Law, University of Trieste

2013 – Spring semester

Storia del diritto internazionale (secoli XVI-XX), seminar in Italian (Master level), part of the course “Storia e tecnica delle costituzioni e delle codificazioni moderne” with Prof. D. Rossi, Faculty of Law, University of Trieste

2013 – Spring semester

Triestine Lectures on the History of International Law, Emer de Vattel and his ‘Droit des gens’, seminar in English (Bachelor and Master levels), Faculty of Law, University of Trieste

5-6 November 2012


Codificazione, scienza giuridica e universita nella Francia napoleonica, seminar in Italian (Master level), part of the course “Storia delle costituzioni e codificazioni moderne” with Prof. M. Fortunati, Faculty of Law, University of Genoa

Organisation of seminars for students and doctoral candidates

HS 2023 La storia europea tra diritto e religione with Prof. Dr Gabriela Einsering (Faculty of Theology, Lugano)
HS 2023

History of Environmental Law with Prof. David Schorr (The Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv)

HS 2023

Resistance, Revolution and Independence: Between Law and History, seminar with Prof. A. Bosiacki, University of Warsaw

26.-28 April 2023 Legal History Seminar
18.-19 April 2023 History of International Law: Law and Empire, Seminar mit Visiting Asst. Prof. Charles Bartlett (University of Miami), Dr. Walter Rech (Collegium for Advanced Studies, Helsinki)
24-25 November 2021 Il diritto di legazione e la soggettività contestata: ribelli, insorti, pirati, briganti e rivoluzionari tra basso medioevo ed età moderna, seminar with Prof. G. Giudici (University of Cagliari), Dr. D. Fedele (National Center for Scientific Research, Lille)
28 May 2021       State, Power, and Violence between Law, History and Literature, PhD Seminar with Prof. E.J. de Oliveira, Roman Seminar, University of Zurich
15 May 2020 The Origins of Modern International Law and the Revue de droit international et de législation comparée, seminar with Prof. Dr. Frederik Dhondt, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels
28 April 2020    Die Stellung der Frau in den modernen europäischen Kodifikationen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, seminar, Faculty of Law, University of Zurich
6 April 2020 Violence between Law and Literature, seminar with Prof. E.J. de Oliveira, Roman Seminar, University of Zurich
10-11 March 2020    Forms of Constitution and Democracy in Legal History, PhD seminar with Prof. A. Bosiacki, University of Warsaw
21 October 2020 Police Power: Historical Foundations between Domestic and International Law, seminar with Prof. S. Legarre, Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina

11-12 November 2019



Registrierung als Strukturelement der Eigentumsordnung - Grundstücksregister aus historischer und aktueller Perspektive, seminar with Prof. R. Arnet and Prof. J.L. Alonso (Master and Bachelor levels), Faculty of Law, University of Zurich

 24 October 2019

Teoria e storia dello stato di eccezione, seminar in Italian (Master and Bachelor levels), Faculty of Law, University of Zurich

9-12 September 2019

Doktorandenseminar Rom Rechtswissenschaftliche Methodik, seminar with A. Engländer, M. Thommen, C. Vano, T. Walter, Swiss Institute, Rome

16 April 2019                               

Legal History between Land Ownership and Communal Property, seminar in English (Master and Bachelor levels) with Dr. P. Cacciavillani, Faculty of Law, University of Zurich

15-16 April 2019

State, Power, and Violence between Law, History and Literature, seminar in English (Master and Bachelor levels), with Prof. E.J. de Oliveira from Roman Seminar (University of Zurich) Faculty of Law, University of Zurich

12-13 March 2018 

Global Narratives on the History of International Law, seminar in English (Master and Bachelor levels) with guest speakers Prof. L. Nuzzo and Prof. A. Becker-Lorca, Faculty of Law, University of Zurich

Assistance (tutorials, examination board)

July 2008-June 2016

Faculty of Law, University of Mailand

April-December 2013

Faculty of Law, University of Trieste

January 2009-October 2013

Faculty of Law, University of Genoa

January 2009-October 2013

Faculty of Law, University of Imperia

Publisher/ Editorial Board Membership

Since 2022           Journal for Digital Legal History. Link to the journal
Since 2021 Legal Culture, Zeitschrift für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte - European Journal of Legal History - Journal européen d’histoire du droit
Since 2019 Forum Historiae Iuris,


Since Sept. 2021 Member of the Law Sources Foundation of the Swiss Lawyers Society Rechtsquellenstiftung des Schweizerischen Juristenvereins

May 2021

Steering Committee “Zurich Latin American Center”, University of Zurich

June 2017-May 2021

Member of “Zurich Latin American Center”, University of Zurich

Since March 2017

Member of “Istituto Emilio Betti di Scienza e Teoria del diritto nella storia e nella società”, Rome

Since February 2016

Member of “Centro Interdipartimentale di Diritto e Storia Costituzionale”, Università del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro”, Vercelli, Alessandria, Novara

Since November 2014

Member of “European Society for International Law”, Group of interest “History of International Law”

Since January 2014 Member of “Società Italiana di Storia del diritto”

Since October 2013

Member of “Société d’Histoire du Droit Français”

Since June 2012

Member of “Società italiana di Studi sul XVIII secolo”

Since January 2011

Member of “Freunde des Frankfurter Max-Planck-Instituts für europäische Rechtsgeschichte”

Organization of international conferences

6.-7 December 2023 Conference “Gestione del rischio idrogeologico e proprietà privata: i diversi modelli di intervento dall’antichità ad oggi” with Prof. Dr Simona Tarozzi (Trento) und Prof. Dr. Lauretta Maganzani (Università Cattolica, Milano), Trento
3.-4. November 2023 Cristianesimo e sinodalità: dialogo tra diritto, storia e teologia in prospettiva comparata/ Christentum und Synodalität: Dialogue between law, history and theology in a comparative perspective with Prof. Dr. Gabriela Einsering (Faculty of Theology, Lugano)
24.-25 October 2023 Conference “Diritto e territorio: processi economici e sociali e costruzione dei paesaggi agrari”, with Prof. Dr. Elena Tassi, La Sapienza Roma, Istituto Svizzero, Roma

Oct 2019 - Aug 2022

Member of the organizing Committee: 43. Rechtshistorische Tag, Zurich (August 2022)

8 July 2022 Seminar „L’illuminismo a processo” organized together with Prof. Francesco Di Chiara, Palermo, Università degli Studi di Palermo
22.-23 July 2021 Conference “Political Economy and Law since the 18th Century: Theoretical Debates and Practical Consequences” organized together with C. Bartlett (Harvard University)

2-3 March 2020

Conference “Entangled International and National Legal Orders in the Long 19th Century”,  organized together with F. Dhondt (VUB/Antwerp) and R. Cahen (VUB-Marie Curie Pegasus/FWO)

11 October 2019


Conference “Da Novara all’Italia. Carlo Negroni (1819-1896) nel bicentenario della nascita”, organized together with Prof. C. Rosso, Università del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro” (Novara)

15 July 2019

IV Seminar “L’insegnamento del diritto naturale e delle genti nella penisola italiana tra Sette e Ottocento”, organized together with Prof. G. Silvestrini, Università del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro” (Vercelli)

11-12 April 2019

Workshop “Historical Perspectives on Property and Land Law -An Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Methods and Research Approaches”, organized together with S. Tarozzi (Bologna University), Faculty of Law, Zurich University

12 December 2018

III Seminar “L’insegnamento del diritto naturale e delle genti nella penisola italiana tra Sette e Ottocento” organized together with Prof. G. Silvestrini, Università del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro” (Vercelli)

31 May-2 June 2018




Panel discussion “Legal History and Land Registration Systems: Approaches, Methods and New Horizons?” organized together with P. Cacciavillani (Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt am Main/National University of Córdoba-Argentina), S. Keenan (Senior Lecturer in Law, University of London), A. Landau-Ward (Centre for Social and Global Research and Centre for Urban Research RMIT Melbourne, Australia), Association for Law, Property & Society 9th Annual Meeting, Maastricht

14 July 2018

II Seminar “L’insegnamento del diritto naturale e delle genti nella penisola italiana tra Sette e Ottocento” organized together with Prof. G. Silvestrini, Università del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro” (Vercelli)

14 December 2017

I Seminar “L’insegnamento del diritto naturale e delle genti nella penisola italiana tra Sette e Ottocento” organized together with Prof. G. Silvestrini, Università del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro” (Vercelli)

18-19 May 2017

Conference “Training, Ideas and Practices. The Law of  Nations in the Long Eighteenth Century”, in Paris (Maison de la Recherche (CIERA) – Fondation Biermans-Lapôtre (CIUP) organized together with R. Cahen (VUB-FWO, Brussels) and F. Dhondt (VUB/UA/UGent-FWO)

25-27 October 2012 Member of the Organizing Committee for the International Conference “La codificazione del diritto fra il Danubio e l’Adriatico. Per I duecento anni dall’entrata in vigore dell’ABGB (1812-2012)”, University of Trieste

Organization of public lecture series (Zurich University)

2021- Spring semester «Ebenso neu als kühn» – 50 Jahre Frauenstimmrecht in der Schweiz, Public lecture series of the UZH Interdisciplinary Commission (UZH-i), with K. Meyer, C. Löwe, S. Hotz,

2020- Spring semester


Regarding Violence. Perspectives in Literature, History and Law, contestuale presentazione Violence, with Prof. Dr. E.J. de Oliveira, Roman Seminar University of Zurich, A. Sobral, English Seminar University of Zurich, blog

Further Membership