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Faculty of Law Chair for Law & Finance

Conference Lectures and Interviews

The Banking Union: Impact on Private Law of Institutions and Supervision, Oslo Colloquium

Professor Alexander gave a lecture at the Colloquim on The Banking Union: Impact on Private Law of Institutions and Supervision at Kjerka, Midtbygningen/Domus Media, Universitetet i sentrum, in Oslo on 14 September 2020, entitled 'Bankers’ Duty of Care, Misselling and Freedom of Contract'. 

FINMA Regulierungsaussprache, 11 August 2020

On 11 August 2020, Prof. Alexander participated at the FINMA Regulatory debate on the disclosure of climate-related financial risks in Berne. 

Programme (PDF, 129 KB)

Sustainability and Systemic Risk Conference, London School of Economics

On 15 June 2020, Professor Alexander gave a presentation entitled 'Integrating Sustainability into Prudential Regualtion' at the LSE Systemic Risk Centre.


Inclusive and Sustainable Finance Research Conference, University of Luxembourg

On 14 November 2019, Professor Alexander gave a presentation on 'The Implemetation of Sustainability as a Legal Standard in European Banking Law' at the 4th Inclusive and Sustainable Finance Research Conference at the University of Luxembourg.

Link to the Conference (see 3:14:00-3:51:00 for Prof. Alexander's presentation)

Credit Suisse Lawyers Conference

On 1 October 2019, Prof. Alexander was the Keynote Speaker and a panel speaker at the Credit Suisse Lawyers Conference, on the topic of "Regulatory developments in Switzerland 2020 onwards and EU-Brexit financial regulation issues".

Link to Credit Suisse Lawyers Conference 01.10.2019 Programme (PDF, 1 MB)

QED Conference on cross-border Financial Regulation

Kern Alexander chaired the European Union QED Conference on Cross-Border Financial Regulation in Brussels on 4 June 2019.  The conference addressed some of the main cross-border regulatory challenges, including third country equivalence, implenting harmonised standards, and Brexit.

Link to speech (Youtube - QEDCommunication)

European Union QED Brussels Conference June 2019 CB2019 Memo (PDF, 16 MB)

R20 Austrian World Summit Conference

Prof Alexander spoke in a Breakout Session on Blended Finance regarding Sustainable Finance. The conference took place in Vienna, from 28 to 29 May 2019, and was attended also by prominent figures such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, the director of USC in California, and Greta Thunberg, the teenage climate change activist.


UNCTAD Conference

Prof. Alexander and Dr. Karametaxas presented their paper on "Digital Financial Services and Financial Inclusion" at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in Geneva on 1 and 2 May 2019.

The conference was attended by academics, trade policy representatives, and regulators from many countries, including China, Nigeria, Indonesia, and Mexico, and the European Commission representing EU states. Alexander led a discussion on how digital financial services can be regulated to support economic growth. Also on the panel was Ms Liping Zhang, Division of International Trade in Goods and Services, and Commodities; Ms Lee Tuthill, Counselor, World Trade Organisation Division on Trade in Services; and Pamela Coke-Hamilton, Director, UN Division on International Trade and Commodities.


Panel discussion at Accademia in London

Accademia organized a panel discussion in the Carlton Club in London on 28 September 2018 thematizing the role and effectiveness of economic sanctions.

Link to Twitter and Images

Europa Institut: Brexit and Financial Regulation

Professor Alexander gave a guest lecture titled "Brexit and Financial Regulation" on Friday 12 January 2018. The event was organised by the Europa Institut and the UZH at CS Forum St. Peter.

Click here for link and flyer (PDF, 166 KB).

For literature see the new book by K. Alexander, C. Barnard, E. Ferran, A. Lang & N. Moloney, Brexit and Financial Services - Law and Policy (Hart Publishing 2018)

Flyer (PDF, 249 KB)

Banner (JPG, 1 MB)

Asian Development Bank (ADB) International Conference, Beijing

ADB, in cooperation with the People's Bank of China (PBC), organized the International Conference on "The Changing Role of Central Banks Post Global Financial Crisis" in Beijing on 7 December 2017 . Prof. Dr. iur. Kern Alexander was a panelist in the discussion on "The System and the Future Development Outlook of Financial Law".

Asian Development Bank Invitation Letter (PDF, 425 KB)

Conference Agenda (PDF, 2 MB)

Bank for International Settlements, 5 December 2017

On 5 December 2017, Prof. Alexander participated in the Programme of the Bank for International Settlements. 

Programme (PDF, 295 KB)

From Big Bang to Brexit

Professor Kern Alexander gave a presentation titled "EU Regulation and third country equivalence" at the seminar "From Big Bang to Brexit" organised by the Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law and Stockholm University on 16 November 2017:

invitation (PDF, 462 KB)

presentation (PDF, 32 KB)

Workshop at King's College, London, on The European Banking Union and its relationship with the law

On 23 October 2017, Prof. Alexander held a workshop on the SSM, Shadow Banking, and Systemic Risks at the Centre of European Law, King's College, London. The workshop dealt with The European Banking Union and its relationship with the law: reflections three years on.

Workshop Programme (PDF, 271 KB)

European Systemic Risk Board

2017 Annual Conference of the European Systemic Risk Board (Sept 2017), 'Legal Perspectives on Macroprudential regulation', (European Central Bank), keynote panel

2017 European Central Bank Annual Legal Conference (4-5 Sept 2017), 'Shaping a new legal order for Europe: a tale of crises and opportunities', panel presentation  Link to PDF of book

University of Sheffield

2017, University of Sheffield, Law and Money, 3rd Annual Conference, Law, Finance, and Sustainability, Keynote Lecture, 'Green Banking: Redefining Regulation or Redefining Business’, (Sept 11, 2017)
See programme (PDF, 354 KB)

Interview on Aljazeera regarding Brexit

On 24 June 2017, Prof. Alexander gave an interview on Brexit and the role of the economy.

Link to the interview

University of Zurich

Public Debate on the Swiss Initiative for Responsible Business, University of Zurich, moderated by Prof. Alexander, 29 November 2016.

Flyer (PDF, 4 MB)

Podcast (MP4, 187 MB)

Euro Finance Week and Green Finance Forum

Euro Finance Week

Prof. Alexander was a speaker at the 18th EURO FINANCE WEEK and the 2nd Green Finance Forum on 15 November 2016. Both speakers and visitors from over 60 nations used the platform to discuss challenges which face the finance, insurance and real estate industries.

University of Cambridge, Centre for Risk Studies

Interview of Prof. Alexander about his research project "Regulating Risk Culture in the Financial Services" at the Annual Summit on Risk, Centre for Risk Studies, University of Cambridge, 22 June 2016.

Link to Interview

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Secretariat - UNEP - Cambridge, 19 January 2015

Kern Alexander presented his report 'Stability and Sustainability in Banking Reform: Are Environmental Risks Missing in Basel III?' to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Secretariat led by Executive Director William Coen on January 19, 2015.  Professor Alexander's presentation led to a detailed discussion of how the Basel Committee might take soundings from its member countries on how environmental sustainability risks can constitute material financial risks to banks and the banking sector.  See programme (PDF, 324 KB) of seminar 

ERA - Academy of European Law

E-Presentation by Prof. Alexander about "European Bank Regulations and Financial Markets: the Regulatory and Legal Risks?" at the ERA seminar "Managing Europe's Financial Crisis" in Trier, 6-7 December 2012.

Link to e-Presentation

BBC Interview

On 17 July 2012 Prof. Kern Alexander provided a quick guide to the new UK banking regulation in a BBC interview.

Listen to the interview here

University of London

Presentation by Prof. Alexander on "UK Regulatory Restructuring - The Challenges Ahead", seminar "Reforming European and UK Financial Regulation", organized by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) and the Centre for Financial Analysis and Policy of the University of Cambridge (CFAP), University of London, 19 March 2012.

Flyer (PDF, 686 KB)

Publisher Central Banking Interview

In 2009, Prof. Alexander gave an interview with the publisher Central Banking on global regulatory reform.

Link to the interview