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Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät Lehrstuhl Heinemann

European Economic Law - Documents HS12

Vorlesungsunterlagen / Course materials

Die Folien zur Vorlesung werden normalerweise eine Woche oder ein paar Tage vor der jeweiligen Veranstaltung publiziert. / The course slides will normally be published a week or a few days before the lecture.

The course slides of Prof. K. Alexander are available on the the website of the chair of Prof. Alexander.
Course materials of Prof. Alexander

Datum /
Thema der Veranstaltung /
Course Topic
Dozent / Lecturer Unterlagen / Materials
19.09. Lesson 1: I. Principles of European Economic Law - The Economic Constitution of the European Union and the Foundations of the Internal Market Prof. Alexander Website of Prof. Alexander
26.09. Lesson 2: II. Fundamental Freedoms:
Free Movement of Goods I
Prof. Alexander Website of Prof. Alexander
03.10. Lesson 3: II. Fundamental Freedoms:
Free Movement of Goods II
Prof. Alexander Website of Prof. Alexander
10.10. Lesson 4:
Free Movement of Workers and Freedom of Establishment
Prof. Alexander Website of Prof. Alexander
17.10. Lesson 5:
Free Movement of Services
Prof. Alexander Website of Prof. Alexander
24.10. Lesson 6:
Free Movement of Capital
Prof. Alexander Website of Prof. Alexander
31.10. Lesson 7:
Discussion of Court Cases and Questions
Prof. Alexander Website of Prof. Alexander
07.11. Lesson 8: EU competition law:
Introduction / Art. 101 TFEU - Horizontal Agreements
Prof. Heinemann
14.11. Lesson 9:
Art. 101 TFEU - Vertical Agreements
Prof. Heinemann
21.11. Lesson 10:
Art. 102 TFEU - Abuse of a Dominant Position
Prof. Heinemann
28.11. Lesson 11:
Merger Control
Prof. Heinemann
05.12. Lesson 12: The Role of the State/Subsidies
Prof. Heinemann
12.12. Lesson 13:
External Relations/Common Commercial Policy
Prof. Heinemann
19.12. Lesson 14:
General Economic Policy, Industrial Policy, Consumer Protection, Environment
Prof. Heinemann

Weiterführende Informationen

Course Slides of Prof. R. Weber

The course slides of Prof.
K. Alexander are available on the the website of the chair of Prof. Alexander