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Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät Lehrstuhl Baumgartner

U.S. Class Actions (Module Cross-Border Litigation/Complex Procedure)

Please Note:

There will be no class on Thursday, March 21.

There will, however, be class on Thursday, March 28. That class will take place, exceptionally, via Zoom.

Instructions for Zoom Class on March 28 (PDF, 72 KB)



02/22 - 05/30

Thur. 4.15pm - 6pm

Room KOL-G-209


Please note that there is a reading assignment for the first class. Please see the syllabus below for details and make sure you do the reading before class.


Since this is an interactive course (see syllabus below), there will be no course recordings. I will, however, make available short videos summarizing some of the main concepts covered in class.

Further information

UZH Course Catalogue