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Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät Lehrstuhl Baumgartner

Introduction to U.S. Civil Procedure

Please Note:

There will be no class on Friday, May 31.

Next time (April 19), we will finish the materials on settlement and then move on directly to class actions. For the part on trial and the part on post-trial motions, please view the recording "Trial and Post-Trial motions" after following the link to the summary videos below. Consider your independent work on these videos the make-up class for the class on May 31. I will answer questions on these materials on April 19.

For the rest of the part on discovery, please view the recording "Discovery 3" after following the link to the summary videos below.



02/23 - 05/31

Fri. 12:15 - 1:45pm

Room: KOL F-109

Please note: There is a reading assignment for the first class. Please see the syllabus below for details and make sure you do the reading before class.


Since this is an interactive course (see course syllabus below), there will be no course recordings. I will, however, make available brief videos summarizing some of the basic concepts covered in class.

Further information

UZH Course Catalogue