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Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät Prof. Dr. Tilmann Altwicker

Comparative Constitutional Law


What is a constitution? How are constitutions made? What is constitutional review? How are fundamental rights protected in the constitution? How is power distributed among different branches of government?

This lecture presents the principles and structures of constitutional review, fundamental rights and government of selected constitutional states (including France, Germany, South Africa, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States) in a comparative perspective. In addition, selected topical issues will be explored (empirical comparative constitutional law, emergency regimes, the role of international law in constitutional law, constitutional transplants, decline of liberal constitutionalism).

Participants are expected to read and discuss case law from the selected jurisdictions as well as research literature provided in the lecture materials. Language of materials, lectures and examination will be English.


Syllabus and Course Information (PDF, 144 KB)


The lecture will be held in person (KAB-G-01) and on Zoom on Tuesdays (12:15-13:45). Podcasts will be available on Wednesdays after the session.

Zoom Link

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Course Catalogue

Course number 0691

Tuesday, 12:15-13:45 (in person and Zoom live stream), also available as podcast.