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Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät Center for Islamic and Middle Eastern Legal Studies

News / Events


  • Public Lecture by Dr. Ziba Mir-Hosseini, 15th May 2017

    Dr. Ziba Mir-Hosseini from the SOAS University of London is giving a public lecture on Monday, 15th May 2017, on the subject of:

    In Search of Common Ground  Human Rights Law and Muslim Legal Tradition

    Admission is free. University of Zurich, Main Building, Rämistrasse 71, Room KOL-G-217, 18:15-19:30

  • Public Lecture by Dr. Nadia Sonneveld, 25th April 2016

    Dr. Nadia Sonnefeld from the Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands is giving a public lecture on Monday, 25th April 2016, on the subject of:
    In a Different Voice?
      The Appointment of Women Judges in Egypt and Morocco Admission is free. University of Zurich, Main Building, Rämistrasse 71, Room KOL-G-217.

  • Seminar in Stockholm: Shari’a and Contemporary Legal Systems in Muslim Countries – Commercial Law Aspects

    Stockholm Center for International Law and Justice invites to a seminar with Mohammad H. Tavana on Shari’a and Contemporary Legal Systems in Muslim Countries – Commercial Law Aspects The seminar will take place on 1 December 2015 from 15:00-17:00 in the Lunch Room, Floor 7. Building C, University Campus. Place Registration (voluntary):, by 30 November .

  • Seminar in Marrakesch 2015

    Unter der Leitung von Frau Prof. Andrea Büchler fand zwischen 20. Oktober und 25. Oktober 2015 in Marokko ein Seminar mit dem Thema "Wandel und Persistenz der Familien- und Erbrechte der Islamischen Welt" statt. Weitere Details zur Veranstaltung können dem Seminarprotokoll entnommen werden.

  • 2011 and the Middle East Challenge to World Constitutionalism

    During the spring semester, the lecture series "Constitutional Reform and Social Change in Asia and the Middle East: Law, Politics and Theory" will take place at the University of Zurich. On March 17, 2015, Prof. Dr. Chibli Mallat, University of Utah / Saint-Joseph University, Lebanon, will hold his lecture on 2011 and the Middle East Challenge to World Consitutionalism. Venue: University of Zurich, Main Building, Room KOL F-117, Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zurich Time: 18:15-20:00. For more information, please visit the URPP Aisa and Europe website.

  • Summer Course: "Religion, Law and Human Rights in Comparative Perspective"

    In May-June 2015, Yüksel Sezgin, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs will teach a course in Strasbourg entitled "Religion, Law and Human Rights in Comparative Perspective" as part of Syracuse University's Study Abroad Program.

  • Seminar in Marrakesch

    Unter der Leitung von Frau Prof. Andrea Büchler fand zwischen 23. Oktober und 28. Oktober 2014 in Marokko ein Seminar mit dem Thema "Wandel und Persistenz: Familienrechte und Reformbewegungen in der islamischen Welt" statt. Weitere Details zur Veranstaltung können vom Seminarprotokoll entnommen werden.

  • Fachtagung SGGF 2014

    Die Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Geschlechterforschung (SGGF) lädt zur diesjährigen Fachtagung in Basel vom 11. bis 13. September 2014 ein. Anmeldungen sind online bis zum 25. August 2014 möglich. Alle weiteren Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Programm.

  • Situation Analysis of Children in Yemen 2014

    2014 Situation Analysis Report has been launched in Yemen by the Yemeni Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation and UNICEF in collaboration with the Situation Analysis Steering Committee

  • Public Lecture by Prof. Dr. Gianluca Parolin, 14th April 2014

    Constitutions Against Revolutions
    Who strangled revolutionary aspirations in North Africa?
    Guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Gianluca Parolin, American University of Cairo (AUC) Monday, 14thApril 2014, 18:15-19:45

  • Jahrestagung GAIR 2013 – Tagungsprogramm

    Anmeldungen für die Jahrestagung 2013 der Gesellschaft für Arabisches und Islamisches Recht e.V., Leipzig (GAIR) sind ab sofort möglich. Anmeldefrist: 31. August 2013 Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Tagungsprogramm.

  • Conference on Islamic Family and Succession Law, Hamburg

    The Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative and International Private Law is hosting a conference on the development of family and succession law in Islamic countries from 17-19 October 2013. The conference will be held in Hamburg, Germany. The language of the Conference is English.                                                                              The conference will look at the different means of developing family and succession law. The dynamics of this development will be traced through lectures on the national laws of selected Islamic countries and three simultaneously held workshops. In addition, the findings of the research conducted by the Max Planck Research Group “Changes in God’s Law – An Inner Islamic Comparison of Family and Succession Law” established at the Institute in April 2009 will be presented to the conference participants.Please refer to the Conference Program for further information (flyer). Registration for the work-shops is open until 15 September 2013.

  • Vorankündigung zur Jahrestagung GAIR am 11. und 12. Oktober 2013 in Zürich

    Am 11. und 12. Oktober 2013 findet am Rechtswissenschaftlichen Institut der Universität Zürich die Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Arabisches und Islamisches Recht e.V., Leipzig (GAIR) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Center for Islamic and Middle Eastern Legal Studies (CIMELS) sowie der Dr. Alfred Vinzl-Stiftung, Erlangen zum Thema „IPR in der Schweiz und Deutschland; Schuldrecht in der islamischen Welt“, statt. Nähere Informationen zur Jahrestagung werden Sie in Kürze auf dieser Seite finden.

  • Conference on Islamic Family Law

    On 19th to 21st of June 2013, the Conference on Islamic Family Law will be held at Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

  • Concepts of Religion between Asia and Europe

    International Symposium in Zurich organized by URPP Asia and Europe, Department for the Study of Religions, University of Zurich, in cooperation with the Swiss Society for the Study of Religions                                                          Thursday - Saturday, November 1 - 3                                                                                      The conference will be held in English. Registration is required for organizational reasons but no registration fee is required.

  • "Adultery should not be criminal offence at all"

    "The Working Group on the issue of discrimination against women in law and in practice was established by the Human Rights Council in 2010 to identify ways to eliminate existing discrimination in law and practice, and helping States to ensure greater empowerment and autonomy for women in all fields. Recently, the Group urged Governments to repeal laws which criminalize adultery and give rise to punishments ranging from the imposition of fines to flogging and death by stoning, or hanging."

  • The World's Muslims: Unity and Diversity - The PEW Forum on Religion and Public Life

    "The survey, which involved more than 38,000 face-to-face interviews in over 80 languages, finds that in addition to the widespread conviction that there is only one God and that Muhammad is His Prophet, large percentages of Muslims around the world share other articles of faith, including belief in angels, heaven, hell and fate (or predestination). While there is broad agreement on the core tenets of Islam, however, Muslims across the 39 countries and territories surveyed differ significantly in their levels of religious commitment, openness to multiple interpretations of their faith and acceptance of various sects and movements."

  • International Conference on Islam and International Law

    On 14th and 15th of June 2012, the International Conference on Islam and International Law took place at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. For further information concerning the speakers and the presented papers please refer to the Abstracts (Copyright: University of Innsbruck, Austria) and the forthcoming publication “Islam and International Law. Engaging Self-Centrism from a Plurality of Perspectives”, edited by Marie-Louisa Frick and Andreas Müller, University of Innsbruck.

  • Cultural Diversity in Britain

    "With the current debate about ‘multiculturalism’, this study sets out a new approach to cultural diversity. It explores ways of unlocking the potential in diversity and identifies strategies to aid greater exchange between different cultural groups."

  • Arab Youth Survey 2012

    "A fair wage and owning a home are currently the two highest priorities for young people in the Middle East – displacing living in a democracy as the greatest aspiration of regional youth, according to the findings of the ASDA'A Burson-Marsteller Arab Youth Survey 2012, the largest study of its kind of the region's largest demographic: its young people ...."

  • Der Arabische Frühling – ein Jahr danach/ The Arab Spring – one year on

    International Symposium in Zurich organized by SGMOIK / SSMOCI                    Friday / Saturday 23 / 24 March 2012                                                                                      Zur Erinnerung an / In memory of Victor Kocher

  • Pakistan - Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act 2012

    The landmark ‘Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act 2012’, which had already been passed by the National Assembly in August 2009, has now been passed unanimously by the Senate. The Domestic Violence Bill makes violence against women and children an offence, punishable by time in jail and imposition of fines. It also stipulates that the cases regarding domestic violence be dealt with expeditiously.

  • GAIR-Mitteilungen

    Die Freischaltung der GAIR-Mitteilungen 2011 auf dem Server der UB Leipzig nun erfolgt ist. Unter dieser Adresse kann das Dokument im PDF aufgefunden werden.

  • Religion - Wirtschaft - Politik. Transdisziplinär

    Di 27. September, 19.15 - 20.45 Uhr, Universität Luzern, Hörsaal 5. Auftakt zum 4. Jahrgang des Joint Degree Masterstudiengangs Religion - Wirtschaft - Politik sowie Buchvernissage zu Band 1 der Schriftenreihe des ZRWP. Unter anderem mit Kurzvortrag «Was ist "Religion" in der Gegenwart? Aktuelle Theorieangebote in religionswissenschaftlicher Perspektive» von Prof. Dr. Frank Neubert (Religionswissenschaft, Universität Bern). Das Buch liegt zur Ansicht und zum Kauf bereit. Veranstalter: Zentrum Religionsforschung und ZRWP. Anmeldung bis 19. September erbeten an:

  • Vom Hinterhof ins Stadtzentrum. Religiöse Minderheiten in der Mehrheitsgesellschaft

    Sa 24. September, 9.00 - 17.45 Uhr, Universität Luzern, Raum Raum 3.B 58, Tagung. Veranstalter: Religionswissenschaftliches Seminar und Zentrum Religionsforschung gemeinsam mit der Reformierte Kirche Stadt Luzern aus Anlass des 150-Jahr-Jubiläums der Matthäuskirche. Anmeldung bis 14. September erbeten an:

  • Jugend - Migration - Integration

    Mi 21. September, 18.30 - 20.00 Uhr, Universität Luzern, Raum 3.B 58, Buchvernissage und Werkstattgespräch mit Brigit Allenbach und Cordula Weissköppel, Mitherausgeberinnen des Buches «Jugend, Migration und Religion», das am Abend auch zur Ansicht und zum Kauf bereitliegt. Veranstalter: Zentrum Religionsforschung und ZRWP Anmeldung bis 13. September erbeten an:

  • Islamdebatten

    «Islam-Debatten Schweiz - Europa» Do 29. September - Sa 1. Oktober, Universität Bern Veranstalter: Schweizerische Gesellschaft Mittlerer Osten und Islamische Kulturen (SGMOIK), Groupe de recherche sur l'islam en Suisse (GRIS), Institut für Islamwissenschaft und Neuere Orientalische Philologie der Universität Bern.

  • Research Project: Get and Talaq in the United Kingdom

    Pascale Fournier, Professor at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law, is conducting a research project about religious divorce in western countries, including Germany, France, Canada and United Kingdom. Participation from Jewish and Muslim women is crucial to the project as we try to tell accurate versions of how these countries’ legal systems deal with religious divorce.

  • Annual LUCIS Conference 2011 | Applying Sharia in the West

    Leiden University, 20 - 21 June 2011. The annual LUCIS conference will discuss the (im)possibilities of implementing Islamic rules (‘Sharia’) in Western societies, with a focus on rules pertaining to family relations. It is a topic of heated debates among academics, politicians and society at large, but these debates mostly yield more questions than answers.

  • Bericht über die Tagung "Religiös-kulturelle Varianz des Familien- und Erbrechts?"

    Unter dem Titel "Europäische Rechtsordnungen neu justieren" wird in den UZH News über die Tagung "Religiös-kulturelle Varianz des Familien- und Erbrechts?" berichtet, welche am 21. Mai 2011 an der Universität Zürich vom Center for Islamic and Middle Eastern Legal Studies, dem Institut für Religionsrecht der Universität Freiburg i. Üe. sowie dem Schweizerischen Institut für Rechtsvergleichung organisiert worden war.

  • Update face-veil ban debate in Switzerland

    The Political Institutions Committee of the National Council decided to follow the decision of the Commitee of the Council of States, taken in January 2011, to refuse a Cantonal Initiative which would prohibit partial or full veiling of the face on a national level. Meanwhile, a Cantonal Popular Initiative was submitted in the canton of Ticino on 19 May 2011 which asks for the prohibition of face veiling on a cantonal level.

  • Kultur, Religion und Familienrecht in Europa: Rechtspluralismus als Perspektive?

    Vortrag im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung "Wo ist Kultur?"der Kommission für Interdisziplinäre Veranstaltungen von Prof. Dr. Andrea Büchler; Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2011, 18.15 - 20.00; Universität Zürich Zentrum, Hörsaal KO2-F-180

  • Islam kontrovers. Perspektiven einer kritischen Islamwissenschaft

    Öffentliche Ringvorlesung des Instituts für Islamwissenschaft und der Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies in Kooperation mit dem Center for Area Studies an der Freien Universität Berlin

  • Frauenrechte und Islam: Diskurse und Debatten

    Öffentliche Ringvorlesung des Interdisziplinären Zentrums für Geschlechterforschung IZFG der Universität Bern

  • Critical Islamic Thought - a Summer School in Granada, Spain

    5 - 17 June 2011; deadline of the final round of application: 5 April 2011

  • Podiumsdiskussion "Revolution in der arabischen Welt?"

    Montag, 28.3.11, 18:30 - 20:00, Universität Zürich, Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich, Hörsaal KOL-F-101, mit: Bettina Dennerlein, Sarah Farag, Reinhard Schulze, Isabelle Werenfels, Moderation: Beat Stauffer, Veranstalter: UFSP Asien und Europa

  • New funding initiative to promote academic mobility

    The Gerda Henkel Foundation gives outstanding researchers the opportunity to spend a longer period of time at a foreign institution of their choice within the Foundation’s promoted disciplines as well as the special programme “Islam, the modern nation state and transnational movements”.

  • Tagung "Religiös-kulturelle Varianz des Familien- und Erbrechts: Zukunftsmusik oder Unding?"

    Eine Tagung für Juristinnen und Juristen, für Vertreterinnen und Vertreter von Behörden und Religionsgemeinschaften und für interessierte Privatpersonen, organisiert vom Center for Islamic and Middle Eastern Legal Studies (Universität Zürich), vom Institut für Religionsrecht (Universität Freiburg i. Üe.) sowie vom Schweizerischen Institut für Rechtsvergleichung.

  • Press release of the Political Institutions Committee of the Federal Council of States regarding a face-veil ban

    The Political Institutions Committee of the Federal Council of States refuses a Cantonal Initiative which would like to prohibit partial or full veiling of the face. The practice of veiling because of religious reasons does not really represent a problem in Switzerland according to the Council.

  • Is the Creation of a Palestinian State still Achievable?

    Talk by Prof. Dr. Saleh Abdel Jawad, Dean of the Faculty of Law & Public Administration at Birzeit University, on 13 December 2010, 4:15 p.m., Auditorium KOL-F-104, Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zurich

  • Open society and Islam: a debate held in Zurich

    A summary and the papers presented at the panel discussion "After the Minarets Ban: Open Society and Islam", which was organized by Reset Dialogues on Civilizations and the University Research Priority Program Asia and Europe at the University of Zurich on 17 November 2010 are available on the website of ResetDOC.

  • Pluri-Legal Newsletter launched

    The first edition of the Pluri-Legal Newsletter for a Plurality Conscious Approach to Ethnic Minorities has been launched.

  • Press release of the Federal Commission for Women's Issues: "Gender Equality and Religious/Cultural Practices"

    The Federal Commission for Women's Issues FCWI, inter alia, calls for a headscarf ban at public schools in its recently published position paper.

  • Subscription to Oxford Islamic Studies

    CIMELS has become a subscriber to Oxford Islamic Studies Online, offering free access to students, researchers and other interested parties at the Center.

  • Media reports on panel discussion

    Media reports on the panel discussion "After the minarets ban: open society and Islam" held on 17 November 2010 are available for download here. (in German)

  • Panel discussion "After the Minarets Ban: Open Society and Islam"

    Speakers: Giuliano Amato, Katajun Amirpur, Nilüfer Göle, Reinhard Schulze und Rosemarie Zapfl Introduction: Andrea Büchler Chair: Nina zu Fürstenberg 17.30 - 19.30 Uhr Auditorium HAH-E-3, Häldeliweg 2, 8044 Zurich

  • Honorary doctorate degree awarded to Mona Zulficar

    The Faculty of Law at the University of Zurich awarded an honorary doctorate degree to the Egyptian lawyer and human rights activist Mona Zulficar.

  • What Kind of Liberation? Women and the Occupation in Iraq

    Talk by Dr. Nadje Al-Ali, University of London University of Zurich, Raemistrasse 71, Lecture hall KOL-G-209, 10:00 In cooperation with Gender Studies, University of Zurich

  • Islamic Law in Europe?

    Swiss television SF 1, "Sternstunde Philosophie": Dr. Andrea Büchler, Professor at the University of Zurch talks with Roger de Weck. (in German)

  • Basics of Islamic Law

    Talk by Prof. Dr. Andrea Büchler within the Faculty Days on the occasion of the 175th anniversary of the University of Zurich. (in German)