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Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät CrimLaw

David Garland

David Garland

Im Rahmen der "Criminal Law Group Event Series" laden wir Sie herzlich ein, am 24. September 2024  an der Universität Zürich den Vortrag zum Thema "Penal Leviathan" von David Garland zu besuchen.

Short Film

Lecture - Penal Leviathan

Interview - Discussing Penal Leviathan

"Republik" interview with David Garland

"Can Switzerland learn from the USA how to fight crime? What is the point of putting masses of young men in prison? And how does a welfare state prevent crime? An interview with criminologist David Garland."

(Republik, Wehret dem monströsen Strafrechts­staat, 10 October 2024)

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