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Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät Lehrstuhl Heinemann

Workshop & Lecture Series on the Law & Economics of Innovation (Master)

Herbstsemester 2024 (Master-Vorlesung)

Dozenten / Instructors

Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinemann (UZH)
Prof. Dr. Peter Georg Picht (UZH)
Prof. Dr. Stefan Bechtold (ETH)
Prof. em. Dr. Gérard Hertig (ETH)
Prof. Dr. Elliott Ash (ETH)
Prof. Dr. Alexander Stremitzer (ETH)

Termine / Dates

Dienstag und Mittwoch / Tuesday and Wednesday

16:15–18:00 (unregelmässig, nicht jede Woche / irregularily, not every week)

Die aktuellen Termien finden sich auf der ETH-Vorlesungsseite. The current dates can be found on the ETH-course-homepage.

Zur ETH-Vorlesungsseite/To the ETH-course-homepage

Räumlichkeiten / Locations

Zur ETH-Vorlesungsseite/ To the ETH-course-homepage

Course language



Given the limited number of allowed participants please be aware of the registration deadline and register online using the new registration tool.


Course content

The Workshop & Lecture Series is a joint project of ETH Zurich (Professors Stefan Bechtold, Hans Gersbach, Elliott Ash and Alexander Stremitzer), University of Zurich (Prof. Andreas Heinemann and Prof. Peter Georg Picht) and University of St. Gallen. It provides an overview of current interdisciplinary research on technology policy. Legal, economics, and computer science scholars give a lecture and/or present their current research. All speakers are internationally well-known experts from Europe and the U.S.

Goals and citation style

The goal of this course is for students to understand and critically analyze scientific papers on technology policy from an interdisciplinary perspective.
The Chair reccomends OSCOLA as a citation style. However, the use of any other scholarly citation style, as long as it is used consistently, is allowed.

Mehr Informationen / more informations

Alle Informationen zur Vorlesung finden Sie auf der ETH-Kursseite. / All information about the lecture can be found on the ETH course page.

Slides (Password-protected)

The slides will be available here. 


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